Chapter 7

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One second and he kissed me. I didn't expect that so I could say he's full of surprises. Moving his lips over my neck, a moan came out. Without wanting I began to blush making him smile.

-That was cute. He said with a deep voice.

Right then a weird feeling made my mind blow, a feeling of love and I don't know.

-What the fuck are you doing here? Brendon asked opening the door. Oh, I see and I knew it. He said laughing.

Pervert, Pete gave him a look and laughed making Brendon fall down, laughing. That was good to be honest, I mean what Brendon said not what Pete did, I mean that thing was good as well but ugh what the hell is happening?

-K guys, let's go inside. Brendon said opening the door.

Wait, is that party going to happen here or?


-Yep? He said smiling.

-Where's gonna take place that party you told me this morning?

-Uh... Right here I think. He said. I don't know, I'm gonna ask Bren.

While he's looking for Brendon, I'm gonna look for Josephine to ask her something.

-Josephine! *yells* Josephine! Where the hell are you?

-Right here in the living room! She yelled back running. What's happening?

-May I ask you something?

-Sure. She said going back. What happened?

-You know Pete, right? I mean his personality and others.

-Yeah she said staring at me. Why?

-Could you please tell me about it?

-Sure. So, Pete has always been a aggressive guy. I remember when I've met him, seeing him, Mikey, Alex, Jack and Brendon had a small guy group, from the first moment he rejected me.


-I don't know, he always does that with the new persons. She said running her finger through the chair.

-Wait, when did that happen?

-Last year.

-Okay, go ahead.

-And I remember Brendon really liked me and told Pete they shouldn't reject me so Pete accepted the situation and after few weeks I and Brendon got in a relationship together. Another thing about Pete is that he has some healthy problems meaning his lungs. He has anxiety after what Brendon have told me and he gets really jealous about the girls he really likes. Oh and about the sex thing, he's really good with it.

That's a lot lol.

-I don't know how to react over these things to be honest.

Should I worry over this? Probably no. Should I try and talk more with him about these things? Probably yes. I'm done with my life to be honest.

-Hey girls, what u doing here? Frank said coming.

-Frank! Josephine yelled. How are you?

-I'm here for the party. He said laughing.


That means Mcr is gonna be here, yay. As Frank began to talk with us, Pete and Brendon came here. Pete gave Frank a mad look like he wanted to kill him but then Brendon whispered something and everything was normal.

-So... who's gonna come tonight? Frank asked staring at Pete.

-Alex, Jack, Joe and others. Pete said aggressive. You know.

-O...kay? Frank shouted leaving.

Then everything was silent. Mad, Pete left and went to the bathroom, knowing something happened with him I walked after him ending with him in the bathroom.

-Can u leave me alone? He asked in a rude way.

What was that?

-First of all, what's happening with you? It seems like there's much tension between you and Frank.

The way he asked me kind of hurt tbh.

-Ugh... he said smirking

-Just tell me, please.

In the worst kind of way, he grabbed my hand brutally making me feel pain. scared, I began to shake and looking deeply into his eyes, I've felt only bad things.

-I'm just... jealous. He said falling.

I've never thought that could actually happen.

-You shouldn't, I mean, I and Frank are just friends and yeah. Don't be jealous.

-But... if he's more good than me? He said crying. I mean, let's be honest. I'm just a asshole full of bullshits and he's so... fucking perfect.

-Listen up you motherfucker. I really love you and don't you think I would choose Frank instead of you! I mean like yeah, he's a good friend but you're my fucking boyfriend so don't you dare think this ever again.

This seems like Pete has some emotional problems. I hate see him crying.

-Thanks! He said hugging me.

-You're welcome! Now let's go back because probably Darcy and the others are here.

In the living room, Darcy was on Joe's belly and Josephine found a place right on Brendon's chest. Other guys, were hanging out on the sofa and Mikey, Gerard, Ray and Frank were playing Monopoly with Becca and Stefan. Everything was so nice.

-Pete, who's that girl? One of the guys asked jumping (alex)

-My small girlfriend. Pete said laughing

-Awe, that's awesome! I'm Alex! That guy said. And these are my friends!

Okay but everything was so sweet because the whole time Josephine and Brendon cuddled each other, and Joe kept kissing Darcy's nose and Becca hanged out with us while Stefan played with her hair. Then after hours and hours everyone was almost drunk *alcohol so* just I and Frank were the only ones which didn't drink.

-So we're the only ones normal. He said getting closer.


-Patricia, May I tell you something? He said grabbing my hand.


-I like u pretty much and u seem sweet and others...

-Frank! I said directly. I'm really sorry but that can't be possible, I mean, don't you remember? I and Pete?

I hate doing this ugh.

-Oh, yeah. He said staring at the floor. Then I'm really sorry. Uh, this is so embarrassing.

-Don't worry it's okay.

And magically without wanting he kissed me for like 30 seconds. A weird feeling "broke " my bones, Pete was staring at us. Scared Frank said "Don't hurt her, it was my fault, all my fault! ".

-Why? Pete asked with tears in his eyes.

He seemed emotionally destroyed but fast, jumping, with a unexpected attack he began to punch Frank right in the belly. As much as possible I tried to stop him doing this but the way he kicked Frank was just so aggressive and violent. Right then, trying to ran away, Frank punched him right in the face. Sudden, Brendon came in and immobilized Pete.

-Dude calm down! He yelled. It was just a accident.

As he tried to escape, he punched him right in the face, Brendon fell down bleeding. Looking into my eyes, he saw I was crying.Lot of tears were falling in that moment after he saw my expression. Staring at how Frank and Brendon were bleeding because of him, he ran away. Scared Josephine got in the room right after what happened and seeing Brendon bleeding, she cried.

-It's not that bad! Please don't cry! He said hugging her...

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