Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

“Dad! Please don’t!” I shrieked to my Dad as he started to raise his hand to hit me.

“You are the biggest idiot and the ugliest person ever! YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING RIGHT!” Dad shouted at me.

Typical Dad.

His hand slapped my left cheek and I could feel a bruise appearing. He grabbed my arm roughly, and literally threw me into my bedroom and locked the door. Oh God. I'm so sick of this! He is always getting so drunk and angry on me! Sometimes I feel like running away...maybe I should now, maybe now's my chance.

I listened to see if my Dad was still outside, but I couldn't hear anything. I tried to smash my window to get out, but it wouldn’t budge. I tried to look for my spare key to my door, but I realised I left on the kitchen bench.

“Damn it!” I cussed to myself - now how am I supposed to get out of here?!

I looked around for other objects that I could replace my key with, and to my surprise I found a bobby pin. I remember learning how to pick a lock with different objects. I really didn’t see the point of that back then - but thank God I spent 5 minutes of my time actually listening!

After 10 minutes of trying to get the door open it finally did. I looked around to see where my Dad was. I heard cursing in the bathroom. This was my chance to get out of here! I grabbed my phone and quietly half-ran-half-walked out the door. As soon as I got outside the house I sprinted across the street not looking where I was going, wanting to get away.

I was almost on the footpath, when I tripped on my shoe lace - I knew I should of tied them up before! From the corner of my eye, I could see a bright light - it must be the street light coming on. Suddenly, something slammed into me.

“WHAT THE HELL LOUIS?!?!” was the last thing I heard. 


Author's Note: 

Thank you to everyone for reading! 

~jac_kate~ xx

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