Chapter 17

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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to those of you reading this! I’m on school holidays now for 2 weeks or 14 days! Yay! I’m sorry I left the chapter with some tweets between Harry and Ruby, I just didn’t know how to finish off the chapter!

I'm sorry I haven't updated because I had no internet! 

~jac_kate~ xx

Bella’s POV

It’s been so very nerve-racking and quiet since Harry left for Australia. Everyone is so worried, mostly about Ruby because she left without saying anything. Niall is beside himself, he’s stopped eating and talking to the others. He locked himself in his room since Harry left. I can’t even remember when Harry left. I’m pretty sure it was a few days ago, but it feels like weeks. Anne has been staying here, to keep herself busy. I don’t think she wants to go home because she’s very worried about Ruby and Harry. Louis and Eleanor haven’t been around much, because they’re trying to keep out of everything. It’s the same with Zayn and Perrie. Perrie and Eleanor sometimes message me, if we had heard anything but my answer is always no. 

I woke to hear the sound of the TV coming on downstairs. It was quiet loud, so I decided to see who it was. As I made my way there, the TV came quiet. I wondered if it was just my imagination or I was sleep walking in a dream. 

It couldn’t of been a robber because they wouldn’t switch of the TV. I walked into the living room to find Anne sitting on the couch, eating a muffin. 

“How come you’re up?” I asked her, plopping down onto the couch.

“I couldn’t sleep and I’m just worried about them. What if Harry doesn’t find her or they find each other and have another fight?” Anne spoke, while staring the TV. 

“They will be find and when Harry finds her he will contact you.” I rubbed Anne’s hand for support. She nodded and I looked up at the TV. There was a picture of Harry and Ruby holding hands. I turned up the volume.

“This picture has just been taken of Harry Styles and his daughter Ruby Styles. They are both staying in Melbourne, Australia at the moment and they both seem so happy. There will be more of this developing story.” I looked at Anne, she has tears in her eyes. She was smiling. Maybe they had fixed things after all?

* * 

Anne’s POV

Should I call Harry? Yeah. Bella had fallen asleep, so I turned off the TV and went upstairs. I’m not sure what the time is over there, but I need to talk to Harry. If he didn’t answer I would call Ruby. My hands began to shake and sweat as I clicked on the number.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

H: Mum? 

A: Harry? What’s going on? Did you find Ruby?

H: Yes, I did find her and we sorted everything out. 

A: That’s good Harry. How is she? Is she hurt?I just saw on the TV that you and Ruby were together.

H: She’s fine. I think we’re okay. We are just having some lunch out, so I will Skype you a little later if you like!

A: Alright darling. I love both of you!

H: We love you too! Bye

Call ended.

I could feel the weight lift off my shoulders. I felt so much better about Harry finding Ruby. Until one thing I remembered. What will we do when they come home?

* *

Harry’s POV

Ruby laughed at my joke, while we were enjoying our lunch together. We were sitting at a breakfast/lunch/dinner place at Docklands, it was near to Crown. We had to take a taxi from Crown to here because of the fans and paps. It is just crazy! It’s not this crazy back home because the fans always see us and well Australia is quite far away.

“Thank you for coming to find me Harry.” Ruby touched my hand, smiling. 

“Hey! Did you actually think I wouldn’t come after you?” I asked her. 

Her response was shrugging her shoulders. I shook my head as my phone began to beep. 

I looked down at it to see who it actually was. Mum.

H: Mum? 

A: Harry? What’s going on? Did you find Ruby?

H: Yes, I did find her and we sorted everything out. 

A: That’s good Harry. How is she? Is she hurt?I just saw on the TV that you and Ruby were together.

H: She’s fine. I think we’re okay. We are just having some lunch out, so I will Skype you a little later if you like!

A: Alright darling. I love both of you!

H: We love you too! Bye

Call ended.

“Was that Nan?” Ruby asked me, looking down at her food. 

“Yeah, is it alright if we Skype her later on?” I asked her, she was playing with her food.

“Yeah of course!” Ruby looked up at me and smiled. 

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