Chapter 32

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Kristin’s POV

Geez I can’t believe I’m serving Harry Styles, Ruby Styles and Liam Payne. I’m kind of flirting with Harry and I think he is flirting with me too. I think I’m going to give Harry my number. Hopefully he doesn’t freak out when I do.

Ruby’s POV

O.M.G. That Kristin girl is flirting with my Dad. She is extremely pretty! I’m pretty sure Dad likes her too! They would make sure a cute couple! I asked Liam when Dad went to the bathroom and he agreed with me. Hopefully they will go out!


When we arrived home, I headed straight to my room. I was really tired from my party and going out for lunch. Dad and Liam had taken me to a movie after lunch. It was ‘Grown Ups 2.’ It was a such a funny movie! Even though Dad doesn’t really like Adam Sandler, he enjoyed it. After I had gotten changed into my PJs, I heard Dad talking to Lou.

“I got this girl’s number. You should of seen her Lou! Beautiful! I’m gonna ask her out!”

“I’m glad you have found someone. This could be good for Ruby too.”

I’m happy for Dad, but if she doesn’t like me? 

Harry’s POV

I had gotten that girl, Kristin’s number. I had promised her that I would call her straight away when I arrived home. Hopefully didn’t give me a fake number. I dialed the number into my phone, praying.

“Hi, my name is Harry Styles. We met tonight at the restaurant.” I said nervously.

“Oh hi! That was quick. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime?”

“Sure! I’ll pick you up at 4pm tomorrow and we’ll go out.”

“Cool, I have to go. I will text you my address later.”


That was easy.

I hope Ruby likes her. And I hope she likes Ruby.

4PM NEXT DAY.......

“Ruby, I’m leaving now if you want to go to Briar’s, I have to drop you off!” I yelled out from the bottom of the stairs. I’m quite nervous about this date. Was it a date? I have no idea! 

Ruby appeared with her Gucci Suitcase. 

“I’m ready, let’s go!” Ruby said while struggling to get the case down the flight of stairs. I ran up and grabbed it.

“Why the heck do you need such a huge suitcase for one night?”

“Dad, I’m a girl. We need everything.”

I nodded. Geez this was heavy. 

I lifted it into the car and drove off towards Briar’s. 

I put the radio onto, ‘Talk Dirty’. I liked this song, but I wasn’t a fan of it. I’m into the old style of music. 80’s all the way!

“Thanks Dad for driving me to Briar’s.” Ruby said, while undoing her seat belt when we arrived.

“No worries. I’ll help you with your case.” I jumped out of the car and to the boot. Ruby was already walking towards the house. Geez, this place is so cute! I wheeled the case up to the front door and her Mother answered the front door. 

“Hello Mr Styles and Ruby! Would you like to come inside?” Mrs Wilding asked us.

“I have to be somewhere, but maybe when I come pick Ruby up.” I suggested.

“Dad, didn’t Lou tell you? Him and Eleanor are coming to pick me up.” 

“Oh well. Thank you for having Ruby.”

“It’s not a problem! She’s a sweet kid to have around! Thanks for letting Briar sleepover the other night after that party.” Mrs Wilding thanked me.

“No problem what so ever. I have to run, but have a fun night and don’t stay up too late!” 

“Bye Dad!” Ruby kissed my cheek and I ran towards the car. I was going to be late! I quickly drove as fast as I could to Kristin’s flat. She was standing out the front, in such a beautiful dress! 

Eleanor’s POV

“Lou! Hurry up, we have to pick up Ruby from Briar’s house.” I yelled from the kitchen.

“Yeah, I’m ready to roll.” Lou said while he walked into the kitchen doing his hair. 

“Oh, remember we’re taking Ruby out for some shopping and a movie. I think Harry is going to see that girl again today.” 

“I think that date last night went well, he came home singing and skipping.” 

We drove to Briar’s house in my new car which was a Mini Cooper, we were listening to Birds of Tokyo. I couldn’t remember the song name, but it was really catchy.

We parked in her driveway and walked up the front door. Lou knocked and a women with dark brunette hair appeared.

“Hello, we’re here to pick up Ruby. I’m Eleanor and this is Louis.” I stated.

“Ruby is just getting her gear. She seems a bit off. I’m not sure if her and Briar had a fight last night. She did say that she wasn’t feeling very well.” The women explained as Ruby appeared.

“Thank you for having me last night Mrs Wilding.” Ruby spoke with her head down.

“Not a problem! You can come when ever you want.” Ruby nodded and we walked down towards the car. Lou was carrying Ruby’s Gucci suitcase, he looked to be struggling.

Ruby still had her head down, jumped into the backseat. 

As we drove off down the road, I asked, “So Rubies, how was the sleepover?”

“It was okay....... I guess.” She replied.

Something is going on and I’m gonna find out sooner than later.

* * *


What's going on with Ruby?

Hopefully you're enjoying the story, I'm gonna change things around a bit now. My best friend gave me the perfect idea for the story!

I will try my best to update this week. I'm busy tomorrow, Thursday I'm off to a One Direction Concert. I'm sitting 3 rows away from them! So that's about 2 metres? Yeah. Friday, I'm seeing friends and Saturday and Sunday I'm packing for my holiday to see my family. Tuesday, I'm off!

I'll update when I have 4 votes, 4 comments and 15,000 reads.

(Let you all know about the concert!)

~jac_kate~ xx

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