Chapter 26

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Dear my beautiful readers,

I am very sorry I haven't updated since nearly two weeks ago. I have been extremely busy, with homework, school, friends and family. I have gotten a cover from @kyleek8 which is so awesome! I will put it up after I have posted. 

Please follow me amazing friends:




* * *

I hope they sort it out.

Ruby's POV

Dad walked out with the others downstairs. Lindsay sat down the edge of the bed. 

It was complete silence until, she broke it.

"Look, I'm so sorry for everything. I know I shouldn't of trusted Rebecca. I know you wouldn't do such a thing. You are really sweet, funny, kind and you deserve a better friend than me. I know you might not forgive me, but I wanted to say I'm really sorry. I spoke to my Mum and she said that when you move schools, I will with you." 

I cleared my throat, "Lindsay, I don't really know anymore. You believed Rebecca and not me. How do you think that makes me feel? I'm really upset with you. Those rude and harsh words you said were mean. They hurt." 

I could see tears start to come down her face. 

"Ruby, I'm really sorry, I promise I will make it up to you. Dylan and Rebecca aren't in my life anymore. They were the two things that made us fight." Lindsay cried. 

"That doesn't matter anymore. Rebecca was the only thing that ruined everything. She hated me from the start. Dylan wasn't a problem. You just don't understand it."

"I promise I won't ever hurt you ever again. Pinky promise?" She held out her pinky finger from her right hand. 

I closed my eyes and went back into my thoughts. Should I just forget about it? Should I just tell her to leave? Which one to choose?

I opened my eyes, "Lindsay, I am willing to forget about this, but you can't speak to Rebecca or Dylan ever again. It would also be great if you started at my new school." I said as I held out my pinky finger.

"Ruby, you are never going to reget this! We will be friends forever!"

We hugged as Dad and everyone else including the doctor walked inside. 

"I see you too have made up. Thats great to see! Now are you ready to go home?" Dad asked.

"Of course! I was born ready." I said.

I jumped out of my warm and very small hospital bed and stepping out into the freezing cold. 

"HOLY MOLLY! It's so cold!" I shouted.

Eleanor ran over to a random bag and pulled out some socks, a pair of slippers, some trackies and some random T-Shirt that said "My One and Only <3". 

"Here you go kiddo. Go change and then we can go." She said.

"Fineeeee." Everyone piled out of the room and closed the door so I could change into my clothes. 

I walked over to the door and sticked my head out, to see Dad and Niall arguring. 

"You stay clear of her Horan. Otherwise, I'm going to have your head." Dad shouted loudly.

"Styles, you listen here. I was thinking about going out with another girl, so don't worry I won't be touching your daughter" Niall said.

"Thats fine then."

Dad turned his head around to see me. "Ruby, you weren't meant you hear that."

I slammed the door shut and locked it. 

Niall's POV

Shit. Ruby heard everything about Harry and I said. I met this other girl the other night. Her name is Rebecca. She is beautiful. 16, so the same age as Ruby. I just need to break up with Ruby. Well, we didn't really even go on a date. 

What have I done? 

* * *


So, I'm going to update maybe on Sunday. But that is only if I have time.

Update when I have 7,150, 2 comments and 3 votes.

Thank you lovlies!

- jac X

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