Chapter 37

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Anne’s POV

Why the heck didn’t Gemma tell me about her pregnancy? I’m not angry at her, but I could of given her tips on how to stay healthy and what to do when you’re expecting. She didn’t tell me, Harry did. Apparently, she is going to give birth any minute now. I still can’t find the room. Where the hell is 345? Found it finally!

I open the door to find Gemma really distressed. Screaming and crying. I ran to the side of her bed and hold onto her hand. 

“Gemma, it’s going to be fine. Relax and calm down. Deep breaths.”

“Mum, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the baby. I’m so sorry!” She cries. I look at the doctor and he nods. 

“You have to be strong G. We’re all here by your side.” Harry chirps in. 

I held tightly onto her hand. It felt like hours, but it was only minutes before my second grandchild appeared. Like every child does, the baby cries and cries.

“It’s a girl!” The doctor said, over the baby’s cries for Gemma.

He held her up showing us what our newest addition was like.

Gemma was asleep when Harry and Ruby left. Patrick was holding onto his daughter. 

They had agreed on Sophie Amelia Stone. Such a beautiful name.

Ruby’s POV

I have a cousin! Sophie Amelia. Gosh, she’s a cutie pie. I’m probably going to spend lots of time with her. Who wouldn’t want to? Dad was very happy that he is now a uncle. He was jumping for joy when the doctor showed us Soph. 

We are heading home, even though we were suppose to be going to a club with Niall tonight. To be completely honest, I still like Niall. His blonde hair with those ocean blue eyes. I know I shouldn’t be thinking about Niall this way, but I just can’t stop myself. 

Plus, he’s still with Lexie. Well, I think they’re still together. He’s moving back in with us, so that must mean they’re broken up.

Before I knew it, we were pulling into the drive to see Niall’s car parked in the driveway. 

“I wonder why Niall is here. He wasn’t suppose to move in till tomorrow.” Dad said, with a nervous look on his face.

Dad opened the front door to find a very drunk Niall and a worried Kristin.

“I came home to find this boy, drinking whiskey and trying to make food, which he failed at.” Kristin explained, while Niall went up the stairs.

I headed towards the stairs and up to my room to find Niall inside.

“Hey Ruby.” He slurred, pushing me into the door.

“What are you doing?” I asked while Niall began to play with my hair.

He began to kiss my neck. I didn’t like this, so I kicked him in his area with a high heel wedges. Niall dropped to the ground, holding them. I opened the door and ran downstairs to Kristin and Dad. I know Niall is drunk, but he could of controlled himself.

“Dad. Can you go and talk to Niall please? He just made a move on me and I kicked him in his area.” I asked Dad, interrupting him and Kristin on the couch.

“Fine. You stay here with Kristin.” 

I wonder what he will say to him.

Harry’s POV

I have no idea, what to say to Niall. Even though, I want to kill him for once again making another move on Ruby I can’t. We just made up and I don’t want to ruin another friendship with him. I open the bedroom to find Ruby’s clothes and shoes everywhere and Niall lying on the bed fast asleep. Vomit of the carpet. Yuck! 

I grab Ruby’s PJ and toothbrush and close the door behind me. I place Ruby’s stuff on Liam’s former bed and head back to the girls. 

When I do, I find Ruby fast asleep with her head in Kristin’s lap.

“She’s asleep.” Kristin whispered.

I nodded and lifted up Ruby. Gosh, she’s so thin and light. I think I’m gonna get her a big breakfast tomorrow to make her fatter.

I placed her in Liam’s bed and tucked her in. Kissing her on the cheek and heading to Kristin.

“Where were we?” I spoke, making her jump and fall on the ground.

“Harry. I need to tell you something.” Kristin said, trying to get up off the ground.

I nodded. She gulped.

“I..... I’......... I’m......... cheating on you.” 

I could feel my face go pale. She was always going out, nearly every night. 

I sat there, not knowing what to say.

“I’m shocked. Who is this guy?” I asked nervously.

“You don’t know him. I’m sorry, Harry you totally deserve someone better than me. Can we please be friends?” 

“I need sometime to think. I can’t believe you would do a thing like that to me. I loved you.”

Kristin got up and walked out the front door. 

What the heck just happened?

* * * 


Hey Everyone!

I updated. Thanks to everyone who messaged me about my dog. 

Update when I have 24,500, 3 comments and 7 votes.

thanks. bye. 


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