Author's Note!

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Dear my wonderful readers,

I'm terribly sorry that I haven't updated in ages, as some of you know I'm having a tough life at the moment. I have actually started writing the next chapter and I'm trying to make it as long as I can. 

To make matters worse, the exams start tomorrow! They finish on the 19th of June (next Thursday). After that I will be updating, because I have 3 weeks of holidays! (Finally!)

I have taken an idea from one of you that you had posted on the comments from the last update! Please don't be upset or angry at me that I haven't update, because I do try my hardest.

I can't believe I have nearly had 300,000 reads! Thank you to those of you who have been reading since the beginning. I'm so proud of my achievement to this book and I hope you have enjoyed it!

Update very soon! Miss you all so much!

~jac_kate~ xx

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