Chapter 5

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Harry’s POV

I had started to prepare dinner for myself and Bella. Pasta for dinner and Chocolate pudding for dessert. I cleaned up the living room as I sat down, the door bell rang. My palms began to sweat. I was kind of nervous. 

I opened the front door to find a blonde haired chick, she looked faked with the eye lashes and boobs. 

“Harry!” She pounced onto me, kissing lips trying to put her tongue down my mouth. I pulled away and dropped her on the ground.

“Baby, what are you doing dropping me on the ground? Let’s go and get into bed.” She stood up, nearly falling over in her heels.

“Listen, I don’t know you and I would like you to leave.” I spoke, while trying to get her fake ass out the door.

“Harry!” She cried. I slammed the door, that better not of been Bella. I hope she’s better than that. 

I sat at the bottom of the stairs, trying to figure out what just happened a few moments ago. I placed my head in my hands. Huh? There was a knock at the door.

This blonde, fake chick won’t leave me alone! I’m gonna give her a piece of my mind.

I opened the door, just about to blow my head at this girl, but I was pulled in by beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I could take my eyes away, it was like I was under a spell. 

“Hey there! I’m Bella, you must be Harry correct?” Her voice was like that angel.

“Hello. I’m Harry.” I smiled, letting her inside the house. 

“Please come into the living room, where it’s much warmer and we can talk.” I gestured the way to the living room. She smiled and nodded.

Bella looked stunning tonight. She was wearing a purple mid thigh dress, with nude coloured pumps. Her long dark brown hair was braided and went down to her waist. 

“What are you looking at?” She cheekily asked.

“You and how beautiful you look tonight.” I blushed. What’s gotten into me? We sat down on the couch, it was quite awkward.

“Tell me about yourself Bella.” I smiled at her.

“Well, I’m Bella and I’m from America. I use to live with my parents, but I recently moved here because I got into London Dance Academy. I have no siblings, which is kind of good because I never got into trouble. I love to dance, eat food and blog.” 

“I’m guessing you’re a pretty good dancer to get into that Academy.”

“I’m alright, I’m trying my very hardest because it is something I love.”

“So, how do you know Simon?” 

“My Dad and him have always been close buddies. Simon is like my second dad to me.”

“That’s cute! You’ll get on with Niall, really well. He loves food.”

“I know, I’ve heard from lots of my friends that Niall loves to eat food.”

“That’s cute! I’m going to cook dinner, would you like to come help?” Bella nodded.

* * *

“Thank you for coming, we’ll have to do this again soon!” I kissed her on the cheek and she blushed.

“I’ll text you Harry. It was lovely to meet you, maybe I could meet Ruby next time!” 

“That’s a good idea! I know you will love Ruby and I know Ruby will love you too!” 

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