Chapter 20

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Hello my wonderful readers,

Thank you for reading Adopted by One Direction. It has over 2,600 reads. To some people it's not much, but to me it's a lot.

I left you with a cliffhanger in the last chapter. I hope you enjoying the storyline. 

- jac X


"I found where they are."

Ruby's POV

I'm so scared, it has only been a few hours. I'm hungry and I miss Dad and Niall. Not to mention the others. After driving for about 20 minutes, Bob pushed me out of the van and dragged me by my hair into a house. I screamed as the pain went through my scalp. Tears streaming down my face. I had a gash to my knee, blood oozing out. My legs and arms were chained and my mouth stuck together.

Bob began to bash me up until I was black and blue. I could hear police sirens going off and  someone speaking. As I began to scream for help Bob's last punch put me to sleep. It all went black.

Harry's POV

After finding out they knew where Ruby was we all ran to the police cars, following each other. As we reached the house where my daughter was tears began to fall from my eyes. Lindsay was crying too. The house was white with a patio. It was in a bad neighbourhood, I could tell by the other houses in the street. The white van was there too. The police sirens were on and there was a microphone where one of the officers was shouting into it.


There was no sign of anyone coming out of the house, until we heard a scream. Ruby. Police began to swarm around the house with their guns. Ready for anything. A few went around the door and barged in and yelled, "POLICE!"

Two men dashed to the back door, police jumping onto them as they got out. 

They both said at the same time, "you are both under arrest for the kidnapping of Ruby Styles."

I ran inside to find Ruby in a dark room with her legs and arms chained. She had bruises everywhere and she wasn't wake.

I picked her up and and ran to the closest car and took her to the nearest hospital. Lindsay came with us, Lou, Niall, Zayn, Liam and Paul in the other car following us. I need my beautiful daughter to be okay. I have only had her for a few weeks and she doesn't deserve to die this way.


Well, Ruby has been found. Yay! But she isn't out of danger yet!

Continue to read to find out!

I dedicated this to @FuTuReHoRaN1 because I know she reads my story X

Update on Sunday Morning if I get 3 votes and 1 comment on the story 

- jac X

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