Chapter 14

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Hey everyone!

Sorry, I left you all with another cliffhanger. I just love them! 

I’m really sorry about that! 

This was a bit rushed because I’ve had a lot on my plate last week. 

I’ve been seeing one of my brothers, who I haven’t seen in 3 years and my baby niece. Not to mention, the pile of assessment tasks and assignments due this week!

I’m going on holidays next Wednesday which is the 2nd of April! Yay I can update more! I really hope you enjoy this new chapter because I love writing for you all!

By the way, at Community Service last week. I had to look after a little a bunch of little kids with the names, Zayn, Josh, Harry and Liam!  

~jac_kate~ xx

Ruby’s POV

“DON’T TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY BABY! PLEASE! RUBY! I LOVE YOU! COME BACK HOME!” Harry screamed at the top of his lungs. 

He was being dragged away from me and taken away. I could feel warm tears rolling down my face. I wanted to run after him and tell him everything would be alright. I knew I couldn’t do that. People began to stare at me, this made me cry even more. 

I looked down at my phone and saw that Dad was trying to contact me. 

As I answered it, the flight attender told me to switch it off. 

“Please it’s my Dad I have to!” I cried to her. I should of never booked this flight to move to Australia. I’m such an idiot! 

“We’re just about to take off.” I began to cry and cry. I wiped away my tears with part of my top. 

Goodbye London. Goodbye Harry. 

* * *

I awoke to the sound of the pilot speaking on the intercom.

“We’re just make our descend into Melbourne. I hope you’ve enjoyed the flight and Merry Christmas from the team! Time in Melbourne at the moment is 11:00am and the temperature is 35*C. Please fasten your seat belts. Thank you for flighting with us and we hope you enjoy your time in Melbourne!

I yawned. I don’t remember falling asleep. Probably halfway through the flight, most likely. My ears began to pop as we landed in Melbourne. Now that I was here, I needed to find a place to stay. I know my way around just a little bit, so see how we go.

What if there’s paps? What if Harry comes after me? He won’t be able to find me? Will he? I was pulled away from my thoughts. 

“Miss, you can leave the plane now.” The flight attender smiled at me. I unclipped my seat belt and grabbed my stuff. The air in Melbourne was different to in London. It smelt fresher and cleaner. The airport was much more smaller than the one I’m use to. I grabbed my bags I had checked in and went to walk out the door. My eyes were blinded by the paps taking photos. I pulled out my sunglasses from my handbag and walked towards a taxi. 

“Ruby! What are you doing in Australia? Where’s Harry? Are you pregnant?” Their voices sounded strange. Well, I wasn’t expecting british accents was I now! 

I threw my bags and myself into the free taxi. Paps still yelling at me and flashes from there cameras going off.

“Where can I take you, Miss?” The taxi driver asked me. 

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