Chapter 36

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I hope Gemma is alright.

Gemma’s POV

The pain in my lower stomach is literally killing me. I never knew a baby could hurt you so much. I’m glad Patrick is here with me, to support me. I haven’t told Mum or Harry yet. 

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. I have only been pregnant for about 7 months. 

“I feel like I’m dying!” I yelled, so that people could here from the foyer. 

“It’s alright babe. The doctor will be here soon to help you and our bub.” Pattie calmed me. 

I could here Harry’s voice from the foyer. Probably my imagination as always. 

Harry then appeared with a young girl. Geez. Another girlfriend. Super pretty of course!

“Gemma! What’s going on? You alright?” Harry asked while I yelped out in pain.

“Just a little pain from the bub, but everything is alright.” I said, while the pain continued.

“Wait, a bub? Baby? Am I going to have a niece or nephew soon?” Harry asked while jumping for joy.

Pattie nodded. 

“Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Gemma and this is my fiancé, Patrick. You must be Harry’s new girlfriend.”

Harry and the mysterious girl started to laugh their heads off. Wiping away tears, she spoke.

“You’re funny! I’m actually not Harry’s girlfriend. I’m his daughter. So, I’m your niece! I’m Ruby by the way.” Ruby said politely.

“I’m really sorry Ruby! I didn’t even know I had a niece! This is kind of a surprise to me! Pattie could you take Ruby to the cafe and get her something to eat while I speak to Harry alone.” 

He nodded and went off with Ruby closing the door behind them. I can’t believe Harry has a daughter.

“Why didn’t you tell me about Ruby?” 

“I haven’t told many people alright! Mum, the lads and a few friends know alright! I knew you would react like this, just like Mum. Mother like daughter. Mum hated her at first. She got use to the idea after about 20 minutes. Louis ran her over with the van months ago, her Dad use to bash and abuse her. Plus, she had no everywhere to go. If you don’t like her that’s your problem. We haven’t spoken in ages, because you went off to Uni and met Patrick and now your expecting. It’s the same thing, I didn’t tell you about Ruby and you didn’t tell me about your bub.” 

“I haven’t even told Mum yet. I know she’s going to freak when she finds out she’s going to be a Nana. I’m sorry, we didn’t keep in contact. I thought that you were always too busy with your career for me.”

“I will always have time for you! You’re my older sister, plus now we have to keep in contact if I want to see this new addition.” He placed his hand on my stomach. 

I smiled, but as I did it wiped off my face because of the pain.

“Harry. Get. The. Doctor. Now.” I cried out in pain. It’s getting worse and worse every second. He nodded and dashed out the door.

Pattie came running with the doctor, Ruby and Harry.

“Alright, Ms Styles. Let’s have a look shall we. So, it seems like your baby is ready to pop out. So, I’m going to get some nurses and we can get this bub out.”

“I’m not doing this with out my Mum. We have to wait for her.”

Everyone nodded. I can’t do this without her.

* * *

A/N: i know about 20 minutes ago i was all happy, but i have gotta really sad in the last 10 minutes.

my doggie might die tonight because he's been really sick and he hasn't been eating.

:( i feel like crying so this chapter is dedicated to my doggie.

love ya kobes. 

if you want to talk about anything, im always there. i may need someone to talk to too. i have snapchat so if you want to chat we can if you guys want. 

umm, update when when it hit 21,000 and comment on what you think about me. 


~jac_kate~ xx

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