Chapter 10

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Ruby’s POV

Christmas. Christmas. Christmas. I looked down at my hands. I had a lined piece of paper with the title: Christmas List and a list of names: Dad, Niall, Liam, Louis (+ birthday), Eleanor, Perrie, Simon, Nan, Gem (+Pattie and bub) and Zayn.

Should I put down Bella? Probably not the best idea. I’ve got the names down, now the biggest question to ask. 

What should I get everyone? 

Is this the hardest question of my life? 

Yeah, it is. 

I glanced over to where Nan was. She was just applying some lipstick to her plump pink lips. She was dressed in a winter tunic with high heel boots and a red winter coat. 

“Sweetheart, I’m just going to go out and get my Christmas shopping started. Would you like to come?” She asked, looking over at me. I probably looked horrible. After Dad had left, I started crying and couldn’t stop. 

“I would like to, but I haven’t started my list for Christmas yet. Could you help me?” I asked her. She smiled, nodded and came over to where I was sitting. 

“Let’s see. With Harry, you could get him a new iPhone case with ‘Young Science’ on it. Niall, a month’s gift card for Nando’s. Liam, you could get him a new set of golf clubs. Louis, a gift card for Top Man. Eleanor, a gift card for Top Shop. Perrie, a new pair of Vans. Simon, a gift card for Top Man. Gemma, a gift card for ‘Olive Garden’. Zayn, some new hair product.” I wrote down everything Nan said I should get.

“What about Louis’ birthday?” 

“For his birthday, he can have a stuffed bird that is a teddy.” I nodded. “Now, go and get ready so we can all the gifts.” Nan added.

I got dressed in a pair of bright blue skinny jeans, a black top with a wool jumper and black boots. They were just like Nan’s but a little different. I brushed my hair, teeth, applied some mascara and we off to the mall.

* * *

I had gotten everyone’s presents, except for Nan’s. I had to make up an excuse to go and get her something.

“Well, I have to go get your present now so I’ll see you in 10 minutes at that coffee shop there.” Nan spoke, pointing to the coffee shop which was 10 metres away from where we were. I nodded and we made our separate ways.

I walked around the mall. I couldn’t see anything that I could Nan, that was until something caught my eye. ‘CrabTree and Evelyn’. The shop was filled with many soaps, candles, cloths and hand creams. I looked over at the gift packs and picked up the ‘Gardeners Great Escape.’  It smelt so good and I knew Nan would love it so, I went over to the cashier and paid for it. I hid the newly brought present in another bag so she couldn’t see it. 

As I made my way back to where Nan had said to meet, I bumped into someone sending me to the floor. All my shopping bags surrounded me, I picked myself and bags up. I looked up at the person who I had bumped into. Bella.

“Hi Bella. Sorry I bumped into you.” I muttered as I walked away from her. She latched her hand onto my arm.

“Ruby, look please come back home. Harry is really worried about you and so is Liam and Niall. I know we had a rough start, but I would love to get over that and move on with our lives. I would love to be your friend, maybe a sister.” Bella spoke positively. 

“Listen, I’m sorry I said that to you and I know Dad wants me home, but it’s not his or your decision when I come home. It’s mine! I know you would like to get to know me better and so would I, but I just need sometime.” 

“Well, come back home soon.” I nodded and left Bella standing there.

* * *

“Darling, what would you like for din dins?” Nan shouted from the kitchen. I was in my room, wrapping presents I have purchased today.

“Pasta!” I yelled back, hoping she would hear. After a few minutes, I was finished wrapping the presents and went out to help Nan with dinner. I wanted to ask her something important.

“Rubies, you want some crackers and dip?” She asked, while stirring the pasta that was cooking in the pot. I nodded and she passed it over.

“Nan, can I ask you something?” I asked her.

“Of course!”

“Would it be okay, if I dropped off my christmas presents to Dad’s tonight?”

She smiled and nodded.

* * *

Sorry it took a long timee. xx

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