Chapter 34

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Niall’s POV

Ruby. Ruby. Ruby. I can’t believe what I am hearing and seeing. It’s all too much for me. 

Harry is crying, while trying to hold onto Ruby’s bloody hand. Zayn and Liam are in shock. I have no idea where Louis is. The paramedics were trying to calm down Harry so they could get Ruby into the ambulance. I dragged Harry from the ambulance while they drove away. 

“Harry, we’re meeting them at the hospital. Hop into my car with Zayn and Liam alright?” I assured him. He nodded as he wiped his nose. 

It began to pour with rain when we were driving to the hospital. I couldn’t stop thinking about Ruby. I still kind of love her, even though I have just broken up with Lexie. She wanted to move to America, while my career was here. I know that after this, Harry won’t let me date or go near Ruby. Hopefully, he will know what is best for Ruby. Maybe?

“Lads, I’m going to ring Louis to tell him, where we’re going.” Liam said while dialing the number.

“Lou, we’re just heading to the hospital. Just come. It has something to do with Ruby. Just bloody calm down! We’re going to Saint Frances hospital. Bye.” Liam spoke.

I could see from the corner of my eye, Harry blinking away tears. 

I know Ruby will be fine.

Ruby’s POV

Ouch. Ew. Ouch. Ew. Hang on, when I cut my wrists I wasn’t in this room. Oh. I screamed when I cut. I wonder where Dad is. Maybe he doesn’t care that I almost died. He must of thought I was attention seeking. I still kind of want to die, because the fans hate me. I’m pretty sure, Lindsay and Briar Rose are using me to get fame. 

I closed my eyes trying to forget all the horrible things, when I heard the door open. I peeked my eyes open to find Dad balling his eyes out. 

“Ruby! I’m so glad you’re alright! I couldn’t live without you. I was so worried about you!” Dad ran up to my bed hugging me so very tightly.

“I’m sorry, but I just wanted everything to go away. I didn’t want to be treated like dirt anymore by your fans.” I cried out.

“Shh baby. It’s alright.” He climbed onto the bed with me cuddling me. We haven’t had a cuddle like this in ages.

“Can your uncles come inside now?” 

“Of course they can. Do you know if they are upset with me? You know, because of what I did?”

“No! They are glad, you’re okay!”

He hopped off the bed and opened the door to see Liam, Zayn, Louis, Eleanor and Niall. I’m kind of glad Niall is here, because I still have feelings for him. I know he’s still with Lexie and she’s a lovely girl so I’m not going to get in their way.

* * *

“We’re all so glad you’re coming home!” Dad said with a huge smile on his face.

“Now, remember you have to keep your distance from any fans and keep your wrists out of water and that they are badged up tightly.” The doctor instructed me.

I nodded and we headed out the door to find the paps.

Like always they will screaming and yelling questions at us. I held onto Dad’s hand.

“Harry, are you and your new girlfriend expecting yet?”

“Why did Ruby cut herself?”

“Ruby, are you pregnant with Harry’s baby?”

* * *

Home Sweet Home. Niall drove Dad, Liam and Me back to the house while Eleanor took Zayn and Louis. I’m really lucky to have such lovely people in my life.

* * *

A/N: Hey girlies!

So, I kind of changed this chapter around because my Mum said that I should re write it. So I took her advice and I changed it.

Thank you all for commenting and voting for my book. It makes my day when you all read and vote.

I have made so many friends on here and I'm very thankful! 

I'm going to update after this update because if I don't I will be behind on it!


thanks. bye.

~jac_kate~ xx

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