Chapter 28

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Harry’s eyes were wide with anger.

Niall’s POV

I think the boys hate me. After I wrote that moment on Ruby’s wall on twitter I felt bad. I knew Harry was going to find out what I wrote sooner or later so yeah. I heard a scream. I poked my head out my bedroom door, to see Lindsay and the lads speaking. Harry’s eyes were full of anger. I closed the door and locked it. I knew Harry or someone might come in and kill me. Suddenly, a heard a loud knock on the door. 


I could hear the cries of Ruby’s voice. I kept my mouth shut and just sat on my bed, so frightened of what would happen next. I could hear Louis trying to calm down Harry. Which didn’t work. “Harry, relax. Ruby will be fine. I know Niall’s a dick but still don’t kill him. You’ll be under a murder investigation.”

“Lou, he hurt my baby. My precious daughter. He has to suffer now.” 

Geez, what is he going to do to me?

Anne’s POV

“Hello Liam. It’s good to hear from you!” I said, as I was cleaning the dishes.

“You too Anne. Could you possibly come over like now? Something horrible has happened to Ruby and Harry is stressed over it. Please?” Liam asked me, in a worried tone.

“Of course! I will be there as soon as possible.”

I had recently brought a flat near by Harry’s house, because I wanted to be close to Harry and Ruby. Gemma is near here too. She’s living with her Fiancé, Patrick. He’s such a friendly fellow. Their wedding is very soon. Gemma has been busy with work and she’s been sick lately. Um, I think I know what’s going on here.............

I finished the dishes and grabbed my BMW X3 car keys and headed over to Harry’s place.

I walked in the door, to hear Ruby crying, Harry screaming at a door and the boys trying to calm him down. Which obvious wasn’t working!

“Harry, what’s going on!” I spoke.

“Mum, everything is horrible. Niall broke up with Ruby and is now dating her bully. Rebecca, her bully called her to tell her all this mean and rude stuff about her. This is Niall’s fault. He should of never broken up with Ruby. It’s all a mess! Help me please!” He cried as I rubbed his back.

“Honey, I’ll talk to Niall. Go and comfort Ruby. She needs her Dad. Perhaps you and the boys should take her out for lunch or even better shopping!” 

Harry just nodded and walked away. His eyes were red and puffed up.

I knocked gently on Niall’s bedroom door. “Niall, it’s me. Anne. Open the door please. It’s just me. Not anyone else.” He opened the door just the tiniest bit. I could see the fear in his eyes. 

“C’mon Niall. I don’t bite, like my son.” 

I pushed the rest of the door open and sat on his bed. 

“Niall, what’s going on? Harry gave me a run down.” 

Tears began to spring from his eyes. I gestured for him to come and sit next to me. 

After 20 minutes of explaining, we have gone through about a whole tissue box. 

“Pack a bag, come and stay with me for a while. Just till this blows over.” I spoke, I knew Harry might get angry at me but I think it would be good for all of them.

Niall nodded and began to pack a bag. I open his bedroom door and walked down towards Ruby’s room. I opened the door to see her Louis having a cuddle on the bed. Lindsay was sitting bed on her phone. I smiled and went to go and find Harry. I went down to Harry’s room to tell him what me and Niall were going to do. He was sitting on his bed on his phone. Like always! 

“Harry Bear, I’m taking Niall with me.” I said to him quietly.

“Good, get that dick out of my house!” Harry said really loudly.

“Actually Harry. I’m taking Niall back to my flat. Only till everything blows over.” 

“I can’t believe you! He has hurt me, the lads, Lindsay and your Granddaughter.”

“Harry. Please if you were in my position you would do the same.” 

He nodded. I kissed him on the cheek and walked back to Niall’s room. 

“Ready?” I asked him.

“Ready, than I will ever be.” Niall replied. His face was pale and he looked so scared.

We walked down the stairs and out to the car.

Hopefully this will fix things right?

* * *


Sorry. I'm on holidays now, so I can update more.

Update when I have, 4 votes, 4 comments, 1 follow and 11,500 reads!

~jac_kate~ xx

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