Chapter 5

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Hi so here is chapter 5, what's gonna happen to Lena and how will Danny be involved? This one was gonna be quite a long one but I decided to split it cos I wanted to post. Hope you like it! :)

Grief is like a fire. It spreads in your mind, ever burning, ever corrupting. It is never satisfied, always feeding. It forges a path, leaving destruction in it's wake. It leaves behind nothing, taking everything it can. Grief is always there, lurking, waiting to consume you. It traps you, burning wildly, slowly suffocating you.

At the same time, Grief is like an ocean. It is never fully calmed, always moving, raging in your mind. You are totally submerged in it, never able to breathe, being drowned slowly. It causes fear, panic which never subsides, flowing quickly and uncontrollably.

With both, however, it takes just one person, one saviour to stop them. One person to put out the fire, to pull you from the wreckage. One person to keep you breathing, to drag you from the waves.

Selena's POV

I sat, curled up in a ball as tight as I could. The tv had switched off automatically, it was on a timer. I still stared at the blank screen, trying to comprehend what had happened. My phone had ring multiple times. Cat, Lea, a few unknown numbers that I assumed were the police or some other people like that. I couldn't move.

I didn't want to speak to anyone, that's what they didn't understand. I just wanted to think. I just couldn't get my head around it. Sam was gone. My parents were gone.

I thought about why they were there. My birthday. It was a week away, I hadn't given it a second thought. Now they were dead and I couldn't care less about my stupid birthday. The scene from the news played in my head over and over. The crater in the street, had they been hit head on? Or just in the shrapnel? Had they suffered? Too many questions whirled in my mind.

Sam's face stuck in my head. Her long dark blonde hair, wavy and neat. Her deep blue eyes, ever twinkling. The way she would never frown, how she would always try to put a smile on her face. The last time I had seen her, hair tied back, grinning as she closed the door behind her. The last words I ever heard her say "Lord of the Rings?" I looked at the disc on the floor next to the tv. There was too many things we hadn't done.

Sam's face was replaced by my mum's. Everyone had always said that they couldn't believe I was her daughter. We looked nothing alike. Light blonde curls across her forehead and shoulders, dark brown eyes framed by pale lashes. Tiny dimples that could still be seen in adulthood. Perfect pale pink lips that were always turned upward in a smile. She had been so generous, kind.

Her face transformed into my father's. His luminous dark green eyes, identical to mine, twinkled. His dark brown hair, also like mine, fell about his face messily. He had never tidied himself up, not even when visitors came. My mum was always scolding him for it.

As I sat there, thinking, I finally started to move, not really knowing what I was doing. My body moved of it's own accord, my hand reaching towards the silver mobile on the sofa next to me. I picked it up and scrolled through the contacts. A familiar name stood out at me, without realising it I pressed down on the call button, staring absently at the message on the screen.


Danny's POV

I sat at the mix desk of the recording studio, messing around with some stuff. Glen and Mark sat there also, Mark playing a few chords on his guitar while Glen just tapped a beat on his knees. It was nice, just us three sat here, doing whatever.

My phone buzzed, and I checked it to find an unknown number was showing up on the screen. I frowned, wondering if Glen had posted my number on twitter again. Seriously, I'd had to change my number four times in the last six months because of him and his 'jokes'. I looked at Glen and he shrugged, so I answered the phone, not knowing what to expect.

"Hello?" I got no answer. "Hello? Who is this?" I repeated.

"D-D-Danny?" The girl's voice was shaky and unstable on the other end of the line.

"Who is this?" I said again.

"It's me." The voice was more controlled this time. "Selena." I didn't know what to say.

I hadn't thought of Lena in weeks, what was she doing calling me out of the blue?

"Lena?" I questioned incredulously. Mark and Glen perked up, starting to make sign language at me. Mark held up his hands. 'Why?' He mouthed. I shrugged. "Lena, are you ok?" I asked.


So there you go :) The fifth chapter. It is quite short, but I just wanted to post it :) Please comment and vote :)

The song for this Chapter is If you Ever Come Back- The Script.

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