Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 is here! My updates are becoming quite irregular now cos I actually have a bit of a social life now! Yay :) Enjoy!

Danny's POV

I didn't really know where things stood between me and Lena. After that kiss, we'd barely spoken. All she did was lock herself in her room all day. She only came out when visiting times at the hospital started, we had to leave food outside her door at mealtimes. Plus she hadn't answered my question.

She was like a ghost.

Two weeks had passed since the funeral, me and the guys had planned to leave soon, yet I wanted to stay. I could always let them go without me. There had been no change in Sam's condition, nor Lena's. It was like two people were in a coma, not one.

For the fifth time today I knocked on Lena's door. I'd taken to sitting outside it for hours, talking to the silent person I knew was in there. I didn't know if she was listening anymore. Sighing, I went downstairs, joining the conversation with Cat, Lea, Glen and Mark.

"She's getting worse." I commented as I sat down at a stool in the kitchen. Cat nodded.

"I've never seen her like this." She agreed.

"Yeah, it's like she's given up on life." Mark said. Lea pulled a face.

"I've had enough." She said firmly. "I thought she would get better but this is ridiculous." She stood up and unlocked a small metal cabinet, which I had always assumed contained medicine of some sort. It contained three or four metal keys on hooks.

Lea trailed her fingers across the row of hooks, then picked out a small silver key. She held it up. "If Lena refuses to come out, we're going in." I shook my head.

"Whoa, if she doesn't wanna talk, she doesn't have to." I said. Cat frowned, then agreed with Lea. Typical, sides with her sister.

"She has a point, we don't know what Lena's doing in there. For all we know, she could be self-harming or something." She said gently. "We need to help her." I scowled, realising that Mark and Glen were siding with the girls. I finally gave in.

"Fine," I conceded. "But I'm doing it. We have to be slow. She's hurting." The others agreed and I took the silver key from Lea's outstretched hand.

I knocked on Lena's door quietly. "Lena?" I said gently. "I'm gonna unlock the door. Is that ok?" There was no answer, but I fitted the key in the lock and turned it gently, before opening the door.

The sight that beheld me was shocking. Lena's once organised, neat room was covered in papers, crumpled scraps, notes, sheet music. Every piece of paper that Lena had in her room was strewn across the floor and furniture. Her bookshelf was empty, it's contents thrown carelessly around the room. All of her paints and pencils had fallen from the desk, which was completely clear of anything.

Lena herself was nowhere to be seen, her bed sheets had been thrown around violently, some resting on the bed, some off. A small whimpering could be heard from beneath them and I carefully lifted the sheets to see Lena, asleep underneath the blankets.

She tossed and turned violently, small sounds and moans coming from her mouth. She looked terrified. Gently I woke her, causing her to bolt upright, hair flying and a scream escaping her mouth. I gripped her tightly, holding her in my arms, stroking her hair.

"Sshh." I muttered. "It's ok. I'm here, it was only a dream." She sobbed tearlessly into my chest. I could feel her rapid heartbeat underneath my hand, which rested at her neck.

Lena pulled back slowly, wiping her nose. "H-h-how did you get in?" She questioned. I held up the key and she scowled. I never knew a person could change so much over a fortnight. Lena's eyes were sunken and dark, ringed by shadows and so lifeless. She looked worse than the day I first saw her, the day that bomb went off.

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