Chapter 23

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*The Next day*

Danny's POV

I sat by my phone, hoping it would ring. I knew it was probably nothing, but the fact that Lena was rejecting all of my calls made me anxious. The practical side of my brain had taken over, maybe her phone was broken? Or she'd lost her charger? But the irrational part of me -it was quite big- was shouting other things. She's in trouble? She's ill? Or -and this was the one that bothered me the most- she was with another man. I shrugged it off though, Lena was mine, she was too honest, too perfect to do something like that. Mark and Glen reassured me.

"Look Dan, maybe she just went out with the girls." Mark said, rubbing his bald head. I nodded and smiled, picking up my phone once more. I called Lena again, just to see, but the line went dead. Again. Sighing, I lay back on the sofa, listening to Glen as he raided my fridge and attempted to make some tea. He was interrupted by the postman.

The newspaper fell on the mat with a resounding thud, landing face down. Glen hurried over and picked it up, a half eaten piece of toast in his mouth. He flipped the newspaper over as he walked towards us, then stopped dead, the toast falling out of his mouth and landing butter side down on my new carpet. I scowled and stood up, taking the newspaper from his frozen hands.

"You better clean that up-" I stopped mid-sentence, staring at the photograph on the front page.


An arrow pointed down to the image below. The image of Lena, my Lena, with her lips tightly pressed against Ridley's. Anger boiled inside me and I curled up my fists, crumpling the sides of the newspaper.

"Dan? What's wro- Oh." Mark was beside me. For once, he was speechless. Glen composed himself and put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's gotta be a mistake mate." He assured me. "Lena would never-" I cut him off.

"Lena would never do this?" I questioned, thrusting the crumpled paper at him. "It's right here, the front page! Clear as day!" I cried. Glen sat down on the sofa, his hands interlinked.

"So who's the guy?" He mumbled. I glared.

"That fucking guy is Ridley." I said simply. "Lea's bloody boyfriend!"

"Oh." Both the guys fell silent and I stormed to my room.

Sitting down on my bed, I grabbed my favourite notebook, took out a pen and began to scribble.

Selena's POV

Everything was over. It had all gone wrong. And I'd ruined it all. I trusted that cruel snake, and he'd betrayed me.

Danny would have seen it by now, I knew he would. There was nothing I could do.

Lea had called me multiple times. I'd rejected them all, no doubt Ridley had sold her a story where I was the one with the camera. I hated him. I hated the world.

It was then that my phone rang again. The caller ID was different.


Slowly, I answered it.

"Hello?" My voice cracked.

"Lena? Are you ok?" Mark's voice wasn't angry, just worried. I fell silent, words had escaped me. "Lena?" He repeated.

"W-what?" My tears began to flow again.

"Are you ok? What happened with you and that guy?" I couldn't say it, I couldn't speak.

"D-Danny." The only word I could think of.

"Erm, he's... erm... Yeah." That said it all. He was going mad.

"I..." I still couldn't speak. I didn't know what to say. Mark was silent too, so I hung up. It was too much. Not even Mark believed me anymore. I had no-one left. Cat would side with Lea, Lea would side with Ridley. Glen would side with Danny. I was alone.

The press followed me as I drove to the hospital. I'd pulled my hood up and wore large sunglasses, even in the cloudy weather. They were the only things that hid me to the world.

Sam was the same. Still motionless, still silent. I held her hand like it was a lifeline, the only thing keeping me alive. Even when she was like this, she kept me going. The monitors beeped steadily, a monotonous sound. Everything was so quiet, the silence broken only by that noise.

"Sam?" I spoke tentatively. "I need help. It's Danny, he saw... he saw me kiss Ridley. It's all over the papers. But it wasn't my fault, Ridley tricked me." My voice cracked and I sniffed. "Sam, what do I do?" I looked down at her hand, tears slowly flooding from my eyes and onto the bed sheets. As usual, Sam didn't answer. She just lay there, silent and peaceful. I wish I could be like that.

I let go of her hand and stood up, wiping away my tears. I gently kissed the blonde's forehead and turned to leave. Then a weak voice stopped me in my tracks.

"You go get him back L."


So this is it! The End! Sorry it's so rushed and rubbish, and I know it's a cliffhanger so sue me :) I'll write all I need to say in my the next bit, there'll be an A/N in a mo :)

The song for this chapter is What is Light? Where is Laughter? By Twin Atlantic, yeah they're Scottish but they're cool :)

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