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Chapter 1: The Awkwardness Of Seeing Him At The Store

Macy's POV

     Picking out the groceries I make sure to survey each ones date. I didn't want one that would be expired. You can never tell these days. Inspecting the tag and realizing it wasn't expired, I place it in my cart. I needed lots of groceries. I haven't been out of my apartment in days since my roommate who was also my cousin, Trish, had been needing lots of time to do her homework in peace.

     I got bored of being quiet and did my own stuff.

    Grabbing everything in the candy aisle, my eyes take in dark skinny jeans, black boots, a white V-neck shirt, and a black fedora on top of a curly haired cutie. He stands in front of the sucker spot, deciding with a furrowed brow which flavors he wanted. Dum-Dum suckers or a lollipop. You could practically see the puzzlement on is features and his stance.

     My heart aches at the sight of Harry before I quietly back out of the aisle. Turning my cart around it makes a loud screeching noise causing Harry's life threatening choice to be interrupted. When his eyes find mine a huge smile makes its way onto his face.

    "Well if it isn't Mandy." Walking towards me, all thoughts of his sucker forgotten, I curse the stupid cart. Harry had literally followed me here from Arkansas and even got an apartment across my street. How he found me was still a mystery. "Why were you being so quiet?" he asks, cocking his neck to the side.

     With a deep exhale I shrug. "I don't know Harold. I really don't." Starting to turn around, he places his hand firmly on my shoulder causing me to stop in my tracks.

     "Don't leave... please." He runs a hand down his face. "Come on. I really like you so why are blowing me off twenty-four seven?" Harry closes the distance between us, his hot breath fanning across my face. Biting my lower lip, I stare at his ruby red lips in the shape of a heart.

     "You know why," I whisper, staring up into his eyes. "I'm dating Ian. You know that." His green eyes darken at the mention of Ian and I immediately regret bringing it up. He clenches his fists together so tight beside his body that they turn pale white.

     With a shaky breath, he nods before backing up. "Just remember who had you first!" he says, backing away with his eyes never leaving mine. "You were mine. You may have stopped loving me but I never stopped loving you." And with that I watch him exit the grocery store with his Dum-Dum suckers in hand.

     I stare down at the cart with all of my belongings before returning everything. I no longer had an appetite. Placing each thing back on the shelf, I exit the store and head to my new purple Mustang. I'd met Ian at the movies where at the premiere they were showing my movie "Ours." He had played Harry in the movie and I fell in love.

     Except not really with Ian but the character that was Harry. I was trying so hard to not like Ian for the role he played but after that failed, I realized I loved Harry more than I would ever let on. Starting the car up, I stare at the road head on as I head to my house. Staring across the street, I watch Harry sit in his driveway, shirtless, while lifting weights.

     My insides burn hot as I see his beautifully hand sculpted muscles grip the iron clad bar tightly, lifting and lowering down. I can see his muscles on his stomach and arms pulsing with the weight. Grabbing onto my porch step railing, I can feel my mouth growing dry. He did this on purpose. I've asked Trish if he lifts weighs when I'm not here and she said no. Shaking my head, I head inside of the house and lock it behind me. Trish wasn't here since she met some guy who she's been hanging with an awful lot, and she wont tell me who it is.

      Anyways, Harry had moved here like I'd said before to live right across from me, and he had also applied to my college where he of course got accepted.

     In a few days I'd be starting college and to say I was excited would definitely be a lie. It's like High School again except worse. I don't want to be one of those people who drink and party there entire experience but I wanted to live a bit more than I had in High School.

     But this time there's a catch. I'm going to have a boyfriend. Staring up at the ceiling, I hear a knock at the door that surprises me. Standing to my feet in curiosity, I peek through the window and see where Harry stands patiently rocking on his heels.

     My eyes widen in surprise and I fix my hair with my fingers before opening the door a few seconds later casually. Cocking a hip to the side, I awkwardly tangle my hand through my hair. "Sup."

     With an amused grin, Harry speaks. "Hey, Macy."

     "Uh.. hi?"

     "I saw you looking at me from where you were standing on the porch, and I must say," my face heats up as he places his lips to my ear, tickling it. "I may or may not do the same to you whenever you're changing clothes at night."

     Blushing deeper, I nod. "O-Ok. Bye."

     "Bye Mandy." Harry steps back out of the doorway as I press my back against it. How had he seen me looking? He was lifting weights for crying out loud! Heading towards the sink, I splash water on my flushed face before realizing he had said something about watching me change clothes. Growling in frustration, I head to my room where sure enough my windows curtain was wide open.

     I really needed to take better precautions.


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