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Chapter 3: Jumping From A Moving Plane

Macy's POV

     The wind kicks around my face as we get higher and higher off the ground. Smiling over at Harry, his deeply imbedded dimples show while he smiles back. I look out the window to the plane, staring down at the ground where the fields were multiple colors of brown, yellow, and green. Welcome to Tennessee.

     After a few seconds of this, Harry stands up and grabs two parachutes.

     "Why do you have those?" I shout over the wind.

     He grins evilly. "We've gotta jump, silly!" My eyes widen in terror as he hands me one. "Ladies first!" he shouts back.

     Taking the parachute bag from his hand I strap myself in, hands trembling. Harry has officially lost it. Lost it. Freaking lost it! Couldn't he at lost it after we were off the plane? "Are you insane?" I shout as he grins.

     "I'm more sane than I have ever been!" He cackles goofily before walking backwards, saluting me then falling from the plane. I could hear his loud woo-hoo from below. The pilot looks at me, nodding for me to leave.

     Blushing, I strap myself in and pray to Jesus I don't die. I haven't even started college! Gripping the railing, I look down at where Harry's faint figure gets closer to the ground. Taking a deep breath, I let my body fall through the sky. If you're wondering if it's relaxing, it's not. Screaming all the way down to where Harry is still in the sky, he literally swims through the air towards me.

     "I just got a bug in my mouth!" He screams, spitting out a black dot. "And I peed myself!"

     "Like you do in bed?" I shout back.

     He rolls his eyes. "Yes! Exactly like that! This was a stupid idea!"

     "Agreed! Yea, you are a dumbass!" I shout at him, meaning it.

     He shakes his head. "No! I said-" I pull on my parachute and let the multi colored parachute shoot from the black back pack strapped around me. I look to where Harry pulls on his, but he rips it straight out of it. "OH MY-!" I catch Harry by the back, yanking him close against my body I feel wet and warm water on my thighs.

     "You actually peed yourself!" I say, knowing the answer.

     He nods his head vigorously. "We're almost to the bottom anyhow!" he shouts to me. Chuckling under my breath, a few seconds later we land on the ground unskillfully. Literally. I'm on top of Harry, boobs in his face.

     He looks up at me, grinning. "I love this position. Your boozums in my face, legs on either side of my waist-" I place my hand over his mouth.

     "Remember what I said," I scold him.

     Harry blushes, jutting out his bottom lip. "Sorry ma'am." He takes a deep breath, kissing the dirty ground. "We're safe!" I chuckle, standing up. Hurriedly unstrapping the heavy bag from my back, Harry stands. "I'm sorry about not telling you we were skydiving," he says guiltily, kicking pebbles on the ground. "And I'm sorry for looking at your boozums... And I'm sorry you felt my pee on your thighs."

     Laughing, I ruffle his curly locks. "Don't be. That was really fun, but yea the pee thing was far too uncomfortable." Harry nods me to follow him and I do without question. I should have added 'sky diving' onto my list of things to do before I die a year ago. Taking a deep breath, he turns to look at me.

     "I had a really fun time," he says, fidgeting with the strings on his jacket. "Macy I'm in love with you. Will you please be my girl again? I followed you all the way from Arkansas, I applied to your college, I live across from you... Please? I love you."

     Swallowing hard, I shake my head. "I'm dating Ian, Harry. I'm dating Ian," I whisper pushing past him. Opening the passenger side door I now know things between Harry and I will never be the same. Unless I of course break up with Ian which seemed like the most important thing to do now that I know Harry still loves me.

     But it just isn't enough.

     I love Ian. Harry and I are a thing of the past. The faster he realizes this the better.


Sorry it was short. I just wanted to give you something.

Question: Have you heard the song "She's Kinda Hot" -5SOS

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