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Chapter 10: Bald-

Macy's POV

Shiny. It was so shiny it burned my eyes. It was so freshly shaved off that it reflected off of the sun in a glamorous color of white. This could not be happening. It was as if his head was screaming "WE ARE HERE, WE ARE HERE, WE ARE HERE!" or lack of being there.

"No..." I stare at Harry. "No. No! NO! Tell me you did not shave your head!" My mouth was gaped open like a fish, opening and closing.

He grins at me, raising those brows of his that I didn't even know existed up in the air. "Oh but I did," he says, patting me on the back. "There, there. I'm still a naughty boy-"

I push him off me. "Your beautiful curly locks! This can not be happening!" I start touching his... his... scalp, with my fingers. "Why'd you do this?" I shout over dramatically.

He chuckles. "Because I, if you remember, only yesterday burnt my stupidly long hair, so why not just let my hair regrow... Normally?"

I shake my head, sighing. "I'm surprised you did this. I'm really disappointed in you, Hazz-"

"Just kidding! It's a bald cap!" He rips it off of his scalp, exposing his disgustingly long hair. I grin widely, pulling on the curly locks that reminded me of spaghetti.

"Thank goodness!" Then I punch him straight in the stomach. "Too bad that I can hold a grudge for years," I grit out.

He frowns, heart shaped lips in a sad line. "No but seriously, I am going to cut my hair just not all the way off. I'll have time whenever I'm an old person to have no hair," he tugs on his locks. "so I'll just enjoy the messiness for as long as I can."

I nod understandably. "I'm just glad you didn't shave your head, but how did you make it so shiny?" I ask.

He grins. "Apparently water works really well in scenarios like this," he gestures to his waded up bald cap. "Any who, how was your day?"

"Besides considering breaking up with you for the mean scare?" I growl out.

He nods. "Besides that."

"Well pretty good. Hey what did you make on your Algebra test?" I ask curiously.

Harry laughs. "I saw you cheating off my test, so why do you need to know? You got the same grade as me," he says in a laughing voice.

I blush deeply. "I didn't think you seen me."

He rolls his eyes. "Are you serious? You glanced at my paper, and even asked me to scoot my hand over to the right a little bit, just so you could get the answers."

My face goes redder. Whenever I had anticipated to sit beside Harry, I figured I'd be copying off of him. I honestly think that every single person at school- aside from the all A honor Roll students- copied off one another in some form. Harry was witty, I'd give him that much, and the fact that he was smarter than me made his already large ego just that much more bigger. He wasn't an open book, but he certainly could open books and study all night.

"Whatever," I sheepishly smile at him before walking off. Today had been a pretty eventful day if you count spilling coffee on your ex boyfriend. I remember it as if it were a few minutes ago... That's probably because it was.


I'm thirsty. Looking around the College lunchroom, I realize that they must have opened a coffee shop around here somewhere since all of the students had a coffee in hand. Standing to my feet, I walk out of the cafeteria and begin my journey to find the coffee. Now I don't know about you, but whenever I go to a coffee place I don't expect to see the one person whom I'd dumped just days before hand be there in line.

Standing in the line, I could feel the presence of Ian behind me since he'd just shown up. Biting my bottom lip, I will him mentally to not notice me. Hurriedly handing my dollars to the coffee guy, he hands me my drink as I turn around a little too fast. Tripping over my footing, the contents and cup all spill over the front of Ian's shirt.

"Oh my gosh!" I grab a napkin, handing it to him. "I'm so sorry!"

Ian winces at the piping hot tea before dabbing it with the brown napkin. "No problem," he says through gritted teeth. I watch him walk off, face fire truck red.


Aside from that bit of awkwardness, I was determined to have a good day. But like everyday, drama, ex boyfriends, and Harry each come into the picture in one gust of problem.

Ah, life.

Vote! ;) -sorry it was short-

Question: Did you think Hazza was bald at first or naw?

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