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Chapter 4: Knight In Shining Dimples

Macy's POV

     "You are so full of it." Pushing Ian over a bit, he laughs loudly. His brown eyes were nice and as big as saucers tonight. "So what was it you wanted to show me?" I ask, leaning into him.

     Ian grins at me, folding our fingers into an intertwined position. "You'll see."

     I roll my eyes at the secrecy. "You've been saying that for the past three hours," I whine.

     He laughs causing his spiky brown hair to fly. "Exactly. Now we are here." He pulls his blue truck into the lake, opening his door. I watch him race around to the other side, opening my door for me as well. It reminded me so much of Harry it caused my heart to hurt. I need Harry, not Ian. Taking a deep breath, Ian's tan hand envelopes my entirely too small hand in his.

     Ian picks me up by placing my legs around his waist. "Adventure is out there!" He starts running, muscled arms holding my legs steady while he runs through the sand.

     "Am I not heavy?" I ask in his ear. He smelled of rich soap and cologne.

     He laughs. "No, nothing I can't carry." Ian bumps me up higher onto his back, running faster. The guy was strong, I'd give him that, but Harry... Harry always picked me up. There I go thinking about Harry again. If he would have just left me alone after I'd moved away than I wouldn't even be thinking about him! It felt like I was cheating on Ian just by the thoughts of Harry in my mind.

     Wrapping my arms around Ian's neck loosely, he sets me down on the sand. Sand. I hate sand. Harry knew I hated sand. "Hope you like looking at fireworks."

     I hated fireworks.

     "Yea, love them," I say watching out over the lake. Ian takes my hand in his, grinning wickedly. Believe it or not even after dating him for months, we haven't had our first kiss. I could never bring myself to do it for obvious reasons. "Why're you smiling like that?" I snort.

     Ian chuckles at my snort, bright white teeth exposing. "I don't really know." He shrugs. "Just felt like being dumb," he replies honestly.

     Laughing, I look out over the water. I miss Harry. I miss his laugh; his hair; his eyes; his nose; his dimples; his humor; his body... His lips. Turning towards Ian, I know I have to end it. It was either now or never and I needed to feel less guilty. Harry was my soul mate. Not Ian. Pulling on my big girl panties, I start to speak when he interrupts.

     "So how excited are you for college?" he asks, leaning on his palms.

     "Uh, it's school so the feeling is mutual." I start again. "I think we should-"

     "No way!"

     "What is it now?" I grumble, beyond annoyed.

     Ian grins down at me. "The fireworks are starting."

     "Ian I really need to say something-"

     A firework shoots into the air saying in big bold colors and letters: "I LOVE MACY!" Pink hearts shoot around the cursive written red fire embers, making my face go red. Why did he have to do that? Now I'm going to feel guilty for dumping him after getting an obviously butt loads of cash on a friggin firework.

     "Now what was it you were going to say?" Ian says, sitting back down on the sand beside me, a huge smile on his cute face.

     Think Macy, think! "Just that I'm really glad you invited me," I murmur.

     Ian grins. "Yea! Hope you like it."

     Rolling my eyes when he looks away, I feel that gaping hole in my chest. I wanted Harry and I wanted him now. As if on cue, my phone dings signaling a message from my Knight In Shining Dimples. Opening up my phone, I look to where the bold letters of HARRY POTTER as the contact for Harry pops up. Smiling, I look at the message.

     "Come by tonight. Need 2 talk." -H

      I text back: "Sure thang chicken... wang." **Macy**

     The response is immediate. "Chicken wang? XD" -H

     Putting my phone up before Ian sees, I wonder what Harry wants to talk about. Surely he knows that I was on a date with Ian tonight. Running my hands through my probably frizzy hair I turn to Ian. "Can we leave...?" I trail off, trying not to sound rude.

     Ian snorts, standing up. "Whatever you want." He takes my hand in his. The whole sitting beside water watching fire blossom into a picture wasn't my setting. I hated it really. I couldn't wait to see what Harry wanted to speak about, heck I couldn't wait to just see his face. Grinning at the thought of seeing him, Ian pulls into my driveway. "Good night."

     I reach over the console, kissing his warm cheek. "Night."

     Opening my car door my cousin, Trish, comes to the door. "Hey cuz!" I laugh at her Southern Accent, nodding to her. "So how was the date?" Trish was beautiful with her dark brown hair and big brown eyes. Not to mention her plump round lips. She also had that half Hispanic skin mixed in with English speaking skin.

     "Boring," I reply, pulling off my jacket. "We sat beside the water, watched fireworks while sitting on the sand with no blanket, and came home."

     I watch Trish pull out pickles, chewing and nibbling on it. "Sounds boring."

     I roll my eyes at the thought, nodding. "Believe me it was. So how was your date with," I wink at her. "mystery man?" She still hasn't told me his name.

     Trish blushes. "It was nice. We ate at Pizza Hut then went to a movie." I watch her eyes daze into a dreamy state of mind, sighing happily.

     "Will you ever tell me his name?" I really wanted to know.

     She shrugs. "Maybe one day."

     I arch a brow. "What does that mean?" I ask.

    Trish blushes deeper, sucking in her plump bottom lip. Me and her both had the habit. "Nothing. Anyways I visited Rose today."

     Rose was a friend of mine who I had met at the park. She was super sweet and nice. Her last name was Collins and she had miraculous thick brown brows, brown eyes, and thin lips.

     "How was she?"

     "Good I guess."

     She guesses she was ok? Rolling my eyes I open the door. "I'm going to go visit Harry. Stay safe."

    Trish looks around nervously. "O-Ok."

    What strange behavior.


Question: Who do you think Trish is dating? ;)

IAN is Taylor Lautner

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