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Chapter 25: Christmas And Toddlers

[7 Years Later]

Macy's POV

Staring at the kids, no, my kids that ran around the Christmas tree, Harry leans down and kisses my cheek. "Edward Ber Styles! Let Amelia have the cookie!" I shout, making Harry scowl since I screamed in his ear.

Edward pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "But mum!" Edwards blue eyes round up as his dimples poke from his pale complexion.

Harry frowns at Edward. "Your mother is in no shape to tell you again Edward, please just give it to Amelia and apologize for taking it," Harry sternly says.

Edwards eyes tear up before he hands the cookie to Amelia. "I'm sorry Amelia."

Amelia who had my dark straight hair and Harrys green eyes smirked at Edward. "That's what I thought." Amelia was the oldest and was at the age of seven. She had an American accent and was currently the only girl.

"Come here Edward," I say, not liking that he was upset. Edward comes towards me, allowing me to play with his curly brown hair. The boy was going to be one heartbreaker whenever he got older. He stares up at me with my blue eyes, his lashes curling against his eye lid. "How old are you?" I ask, trying to get him happy again since he recently learned to count.

Edward smiles, his heart shaped lips tilting at the corners. "Tree," he says, holding up three tiny fingers.

"Very good. Why don't you go help decorate the tree?"

Edward grins. "Oh boy!" His British accent that he inherited from Harry made me smile as he skips over to the tree, picking up a glass angel.

Harry sits beside me, kissing my stomach gently that was round. "Our fourth child," Harry says with amazement, eyes dilated as he stares up at me.

I grin. "I know. Riley come here please." Riley Styles, which is my third child, moves from behind the Christmas tree, dropping the red Christmas ornament. "Do you want to open your present first?"

Riley smiles, nodding his head. He had my lips, my nose, my hair, but Harry's eyes, accent, and charm. "Yes pwease." Riley moves to sit in front of me.

"Can you tell me how old you are first?"

Riley nods his head excitedly. "Yes! I'm... I'm..." He thinks for a moment. "One!" he says, holding up two fingers. I put one finger down and he grins. "I did it! Can I have mwy pwesent now mummy?"

I smile, handing him the red wrapped gift. Turning back towards Harry, he smiles.

"I have a very special gift for mommy as well," Harry says, winking at me as his green eyes darken over in hunger.

Riley looks up at me then to Harry. "Is it a Nerf Bwaster like you got me?" he asks, tilting his neck to the side.

Harrys face goes red in embarrassment. "Now Riley, I can't tell you what mummys present is, ok?" Harry says.

I snort, placing my hands in my lap. I knew what present Harry had in mind. It would take all night, involve a rope, a bandana, and the kids gone for the day. Rolling my eyes at Harry, Amelia rushes up to me and jumps into my lap.

"Mommy?" She plays with my hair. "There's this guy at school that I want to buy a present for."

I arch a brow. "And who is this boy?"

Amelia places her small face into the crook of my neck in embarrassment. "A boy I like."

I gently ease her back to stare at her face as Harry shakes his head. "No, no, no!" Harry picks up Amelia. "You're too young for a boyfriend now! Don't you know that cooties are contagious?"

Amelia giggles. "That's just a rumor. I like cooties. He has the biggest pack of crayons in the entire class and has a crush... on me!" She grins, exposing her pearly white teeth where the baby teeth rested. "He even shared them with me, dad!"

Harry frowns, setting her down on the ground and staring into her eyes. "But I should be the only one sharing crayons with you. What happened to us?" he asks, pouting his bottom lip. Harry was more attached to these kids then anybody I had ever met.

Amelia shrugs. "The crayons never lie, dad!"

Harry sighs. "Well before you get to old, lets get you to put the star up on the tree, hmm?" He picks Amelia up by the arms and rests her on his hip as he picks up the crystal star. Handing it to Amelia, he lifts her up and I watch as she rests it on the top. "Good job, kit."

We called Amelia kit because she always needs a first aid kit. She was the worst one to get hurt. Harry helps me stand to my feet as I waddle on the ground. "And she waddled away.... Waddle, waddle waddle, waddle."

I hit Harrys arm. "It's your fault," I say in his ear.

He grins. "It takes two, baby," he whispers back in my ear.

I roll my eyes before I take Edward, Riley, and Amelia into the kitchen. "Stay away from the stove while I make the sugar cookies ok, or Santa wont come tonight," I say to the kids.

Harry brings his lips to my ear. "I know how to get it to come, am I right?"

I shake my head at his joke before placing the cookies in the stove. "Amelia, hand me some green and red sprinkles, would you?" Amelia grabs the sprinkles and hands them to me. "Edward and Riley, get some paper plates. The cookies are almost done." As if on cue, the timer dings and I pull the cookies out. Harry reaches for them but I swat his hand. "These are for Santa!" I bat him off as he pouts.

"That tub of lard gets more food then I do," Harry mutters under his breath, walking to sit down at the table. "So is your family not coming?" Harry asks, grinning.

"No, you know that."

Harry grins even wider. "Ah yes I know, I just love hearing it." Although my family and I had patched things up, they were too far away from me. I now lived in Michigan while my parents stayed with Tyler in Arkansas. I just hoped they were having fun still without me. Starting to put the cookies on the table, Edward snatches one up only to have Harry still it from him and eat it.

"Harry!" I shout as I watch Edward begin to cry.

Harry turns to me with his mouth full of food. "Hmm?" He chews slowly before swallowing. "Sorry Edward. Grab another."

Edward pouts again but takes the cookie.

Riley jumps from his seat at the sound of the bell ringing and heads to the door. "Riley wait please!" I stand to my feet and quickly waddle to the living room to hopefully beat him to the door. Riley opens the door and exposes Tyler- my little brother. "Tyler!" He was now seven as well and I knew the moment that he seen me, he'd attack. Turning towards me, Tyler dashes into my arms.


My step mom and dad walk in a few moments later. "Didn't think we'd miss this, did you?"

Harry sighs from the table. "No but I was hoping-" I hit him in the rib.

"Mom, dad! So good to see you."

Dad turns to where Riley opens his arms and grins. "Want a piggy back ride?" Riley nods and I watch my dad pick him up to spin him. Amelia jumps onto my step mom and lets her be carried as Edward and Tyler play on the floor with their presents.

Walking back into the kitchen, Harry kisses me on the neck from behind. "Our infinite just gets better and better."

I tilt my neck to the side, enjoying the feeling of his tongue. "No... This romance just gets better and better."

"It's sweetly bitter."

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