Third Book

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Due to you guys' awesome comments last chappie that I, yes, should make a third story... I am! :) It's going to be called "Air-Heads" and it's going to be in both Amelia Styles and Dylan O' Lermans POV BUT also with Harry And Macy's POV... Any who, I'm really excited to start it and I decided that I wouldn't take my month long day off because I'm obsessed with Hacy, ok? Is it wrong to love your own book/character? Probably... >,<

I'll be posting it after I get the cover from HarryStylesManip so, yea! Go Follow her, BTW... LASTLY, before you guys get to read Air-Heads, I want you to know thanks to -pxstelcalum commenting that Logan has a kid and Amelia do the whole Romeo & Juliet thing, I'm using that idea. I honestly don't want to go to court for copyright so just letting you know that. :) 

SUMMARY: (though it may not be the final one)

With two crazy yet insanely in love parents, Amelia doesn't think she'll ever be able to have what they had. She didn't have her father's charm which was Harry Styles, and didn't have her mother's luscious lips which was Macy Jauregui. She wants somebody, but the person she chooses isn't who her or her parents thought she'd choose. She chooses none other than Macy's psycho guy friend whom had been in love with her, son. But he isn't like Logan... Or at least she hopes.

PS IF ANYBODY WANTS TO MAKE ME A TRAILER, COMMENT BELOW. Unfortunately, I'm not indepedent and I'm just an overly hormonal teenager who needs you guys :) (And because my grandma wont buy me photoshop/movie maker apps.) PEACE topiars. -until next time-

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