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Firstly, I'd like to thank Jesus Christ. He did in fact create me and with out Him making me, I don't think it's possible to type! He helped me in the worst of times, and really encouraged me to become better. Secondly, my friend Taryn for showing me this website January 22, 2015. Without her, I wouldn't know Wattpad existed. You can follow her on here: Tarynup123.

And lastly, you guys for reading this! It means a lot to know that you guys supported this story! I wouldn't be the person the way I am without you! It has been a tough month for me to update, but I'm so thankful for my readers and I prey over you guys every night because I am so thankful!


Love this story? Love me? An upcoming storie written by moi called: Toxic: tis coming Jan 1, 2016! Follow me and support that stories as well as tell others about this (LOLLIPOP & SMARTIES) book!


How did you come up with this story?: The chick, Ridley, from Beautiful Creatures whom likes suckers was how Harry's idea came to be, and Macy from both me, myself, and I.

Are these characters based off of you?: Harry is exactly how I act, and Macy whenever my friends say a nasty joke the way I would.

Do you already miss writing this story?: No. I feel like I ended it at the right time, place, and day.

Will you follow me?: Will you comment 10x on each chappie.... then yes.

Will there be a 3rd book?: HAHAH... Yes? Depends...

Whose your favorite wattpad writer?: katrocks247

Favorite book on Wattpad?: Omerta by katrocks247 (LOL)

Any recommended stories?: Omerta by katrocks247 (XD READ IT)

Any tips?: Be original. Stop with just writing sex novels/books and come up with an original plot, character, and idea!

-If you have any questions, comment below and I'll answer ASAP.- _Loves_x

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