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Chapter 15: Mud Pies

Macy's POV

"Keep going, Macy!" Coach shouts from the sidelines. Nodding towards him, I kick up speed and race around the cones. That's right. Macy Jauregui is taking Cross Country. And you know what? I'm one of the top people. Finishing through, I race towards my water bottle and chug it down as it slides down my chin in cool refreshing water.

Taking long sips, Coach announces it's time to go. Looking up at the bleachers, a cheeky smiling Harry waves at me. Grinning back, I walk up the stairs as my shoes clink on the metal. "Vas up?" He asks, scooting over so I can sit.

"I'm good, come on lets go before we're late to English," I say. Harry rolls his eyes but stands to his feet. With him walking behind me, he stops when he sees a mud puddle. "Harry... Don't even think about-" He picks me up and rushes us over as I squirm "Harry don't you dare! Stop!" I shriek out. He grins before standing me up in the middle of the mud with himself.

"You wont regret this, ok? Now..." he squats down to tie his shoe. Just while he does that, I shove him over causing his back to splat against the mud. His green eyes narrow in on my face before a wide smile appears. "Oh you'll regret that." Grabbing my leg, he deadl egs me causing me to fall over. Landing hard on my back, the air rushes from my limbs. He hurriedly makes a circle out of the mud. "Mud pies coming up!" Throwing the mud pie, it lands straight in my face. "Score one for Hazz and zero for Mandy-"

I grab mud, smearing it all over his face. He smiles with his teeth showing, exposing brown mud caking the edges. "Hahaha!" I grip my side as laughter shoots from my open mouth. With a devious grin and before I can even react, he slaps mud into my mouth. "Harry!" I spit out the mud, hands dried out. Standing to my feet, I slide until he grabs my leg again, yanking me down. "Ow."

He throws mud into my eyes some I'm blind before pinning my arms down by my sides. Grabbing another one of his mud pies, he grins down at me. "Happy birthday." Then he smacks it straight into my face, making my vision darken.

After the problem with Harry, I was forced to leave campus. Not only was I now partially blind but I was going to have to go to the eye doctor. He'd apologized countless times and occasionally started crying. I called him a wuss and he never cried again. Sitting in the eye doctors room, she tells me that I just need to avoid getting dirt in my eyes again before giving me an awkward look.

With that, I'd left.

When I got home later that day, Harry was at my doorstep with a box of heart shaped chocolates in hand. His eyes meet mine and he grins shyly. "For you. What'd the doctor say?" Taking one of the chocolates, I eat it slowly as he keeps his eyes ready in a lurking way for me to answer.

Swallowing the chocolate, I speak. "Well they said just to not get mud in my eyes again and I'd be fine... Just need to thoroughly wash eyes out with water. Excuse me," I say, bumping past him. Walking through the door I head to the bathroom as Harry trails behind me like a lost puppy. I turn towards him, arching a brow. "What if I need to use the restroom?"

He grins. "I'll be there then." He leans up against the door frame, arms crossing over his chest. Petting his long brown hair, he smiles. It was weird to see somebody grow so much over a course of a year which made me wonder if I'd changed any in Harrys eyes. For better or worse. "Kidding," he backs up with a lopsided smile on his heart shaped lips. "I'll see myself out."

I nod a smirk on my face. "Good idea."

Harry exits the room as I shut the door, locking it for extra emphasis that I don't want to be bothered. Turning the sink on, I flush my eyes clean of the water before turning around. I was surprised Harry left me alone- a peck at the window startles me. Turning around, Harry makes kissy faces at the window.

"HARRY!" I rage out, slamming open the window. His eyes widen as the ladder begins tilting back.

"Help!" He paws at the air as I watch him fall backwards, landing straight on the ground.

"Are you alright?" I shout down at him, panic evident in my voice.

He nods, curls messy around his face. "I think so... Hey when did you get a twin sister?" Then he passes out.

Taking a deep breath, I walk outside to where he lays on the ground; his eye lashes fanning over the underside of his eye. His curly brown hair spirals around his angelic and male face; lips that same hypnotizing ruby red color they were a year ago. Smiling at the memory of his lips with that Dum Dum sucker poking out, I squat down beside him. Touching his chest to be sure he didn't die, I feel the steady beat of his heart.

To be honest, when he fell over backwards on that ladder it gave me a good laugh. Of course he may be hurt but dang was it worth it. Petting his curls, his eyes slowly open as he takes in his surroundings.

"Did I make it to Heaven actually?" He whispers, pupils dilated. "It's gorgeous..."

I blush, poking his dimple. "You are so full of it."

He nods. "It's true ha."

Taking a deep breath, I help Harry to his feet. "A lot has happened within one day, huh?" I state, walking Harry to the door.

He holds the base of his head, frowning. "Yea. Not the good kind of busy day either. I almost hurt you and I think I broke my brain."

I snort. "Just the fact you said 'broke my brain' proves you have no brain," I joke.

Vote! :]

I'm sorry if it sucked. I've been really sad lately so please forgive me ok.

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