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Chapter 17: Spoon Full Of Seduction Makes The Cockis Swell Up, Cockis Swell Up

Macy's POV

Walking to school, I stop abruptly to see Harry and... a girl. Talking with one another while she throws her head back, laughing, she stands on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek. As if after the whole scenario being told that my mother wasn't stressful enough! Tears brim into my eyes at the scene before I rush from college and head to my dorm, slamming the door behind me.

As if my mother being undead wasn't enough!

Collapsing onto the bed, I look on my nightstand to where Harry's picture of his dazzling and cute face pops up as he calls. The song 'Happy' plays in the background and I can feel the irony. Ignoring the call, it goes to voicemail and I place my pillow over my head before I realize what I must do.

I needed to seduce Harry. I was tired of other girls hitting on him. He wouldn't let them hit on him if I was better. I wanted to be better. Messaging Harry to come over and ditch college, I look through my closet as I find a layer of clothing that was just the right amount of boom! and wow! Pulling out the red dress that had a slit that traveled up my leg, cutting off at the waistline, it left only Harry to the imaginable.

Hearing his knock at the door, I jump onto the bed and get in an seductive position with my leg lengthen out and my hip cocked. "Come on in!" I shout, watching as Harry comes in.

"Hey I got your message-" his voice drifts off as he takes in what I'm wearing. "Oh baby... is it time or am I dreaming?" he asks, walking towards the bed hurriedly.

I grin at him, crooking my finger and he greedily gets right in my face. "I was thinking," I grab his hand and put it at the back of my dress, allowing his hands to hover on the zipper.

He swallows hard, nodding his head. "Thinking is good. Definitely..." I move his hand, letting it unzip with his movements. "Good."

I chuckle, wrapping my slender leg around his waist, pulling him close. "Right. What was the name you wanted me to call you again?" I whisper, letting my lips trail down his jaw. "Daddy right?"

He nods, eyes wide. "Y-Yea. Master and Sir are good too though..." I see his Adam's apple bob again.

I grin before kissing him again. Then just like that he bursts into laughter. Pulling back a bit astonished and startled, Harry stands to his feet.

"I always wondered how that would work!" He laughs again, slapping his leg repeatedly while snorting like a pig. My face grows red. "You're idea of seduction," he laughs harder, face red to the point blood veins were popping from his forehead. "Is so overwhelming hilarious!" He pats my back. "Thanks for that, though."

I frown, crossing my arms over my chest. "I wasn't that bad."

He nods in agreement. "You're right. But the dress? The red lipstick and black eye shadow? The dark room? It all screams NOT MACY, you know?" Harry kisses my hand gently, staring into my eyes. "Don't you think there is a reason as to why I love you?" he shakes his head in adoration. "Macy I want you. I crave you. But I respect you and I'm willing to wait until marriage. Whatever happened today to cause you to do well, this," he motions towards my outfit. "then we need to speak. Tell me."

I shrug. "Well I saw you with that girl and got..." I bite my bottom lip. "jealous, ok? I got jealous."

He grins triumphantly. "Finally! All this time I've been jealous of stupid Logan and now that I know you get jealous?" he leans back with a dreamy sigh. "This is the best news ever!"

Chuckling, he kisses my cheek before moving back. Gnawing on my bottom lip nervously, I play with the ends of my dress. "Did I really suck that badly?" I ask.

He rubs the back of his neck, clearly not wanting to tell me the truth. "You know what they say. A Spoon Full Of Seduction Makes The Cockis Swell Up, Cockis Swell Up," he sings in a Mary Poppins voice. "It definitely got Vern Cummings excited, I'll give you that. But it's just not my cute- and innocent but not too innocent- Macy."

I grin, pulling him in for a hug before remembering him and that girl. Punching his shoulder, he scowls. "What was that for?"

"Why did you let that girl kiss your cheek?"

He looks at me confusedly before understanding dawns and mars his face. "I am a chick magnet, after all," he winks at me and I laugh. "No but seriously, I got on to her afterwards."

I smile. "There's my big boy."

He puffs his chest, exposing dimples. "Good. Now lets go to school."


We walk to the college building, hand in hand.

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Question: I'm writing a book currently, coming 11-1-15... will you read it?

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