Bonus Chapter

195 31 34

Macy's POV

Waking up, Harry's eyes are closed. His butterfly lashes are sprawled on the underside of his eyes. He gr oggily stirs in his sleep, making the blankets move around his legs and show off his bare skin.

He was perfect. And he was mine.

He opens his eyes, looking at me. "Hey baby, are you ok?" he asks with a lazy smile.

I bite my lower lip. I was in lots of pain. He'd been really rough. "No."

He frowns before shrugging. "Sorry. When you let Vern roam-"

"Stop." I giggle before starting to stand up. He places his hand on my arm, bringing me back to lay down. He kisses my forehead, my nose, my eyelids, my cheeks, and then my lips. "Why'd you make me sit down again?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Who doesn't want to wake up beside a sexy man like myself?" he responds, wrapping his large arm around my waste.

I trace his tattooes with a smile on ny face. He brings his lips to my ear. "So did I do good last night? Pleasure my women right, I mean?"

A blush creeps its way onto my face. If the definition of good meant steamy, hot, naughty, and sexy then yes. But I couldn't say that without sounding weird. "Yes you did amazing," I say, kissing his cheek.

He grins, exposing his dimples. "No way it was just amazing. You werr moaning my name, gripping my curls, and practically arching your back."

My face goes bright red and I bury my face into his chest. "I'm sorry for lying..." then I think of a word that'd make him excited. "Daddy."

He stares at me for a long moment before sighing. "So what if I have a daddykink." He stands to his feet, placing clothes on as he does. "Come on, have some breakfast with me."

I nod standing to ny feet with no shame that there was zero point zero percent clothes on. Being with Harry made everything bad disappear.

《Three months later》
My period hasn't been on since Harry and I got married. Looking around the room for any sign of Harry, I rush to the pregnancy test.

Ushering myself into the bathroom, I read the instructions with shaky hands. I was more than positive that I was positive.

Taking my time, it finally dings and I look to where it has a + sign. My eyes widen in horror. How will I tell Harry? I was only twenty-three we had so much to do!

Throwing away the test and the instructions, I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Dear are you having a traumatic experience in there? Because I really need to use the restroom-"

I open the door and bump past him. Harry turns to look at me as tears stream down ny face. "Woah... what's wrong? Im sorry I didn't buy toilet paper ok? I'll be a better husband-"

"It's not that. Shut up," I snap at him.

He frowns. "Somebisy must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." He comes towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I-Im pregnant," I whisper.

He stiffness and I slowly look up to see him staring at the wall. A smile slowly makes its way onto his face. "You're pregnant?" he whispers, looking down at me.

I nod, wiping my nose on his shirt. "Yea."

He grins. "YAY!" He shoves me back and begins to make rowing boat shaped hands beside his waist with a huge and goofy grin on his face. "So tell me girl whenever you get preg-a-net you just got to ride daddy's sick baby say yea-ea-ea-ea we didn't take it slow... I actually just took you home baby I di-i-i-d and now your pregnant."

"How could you sing my favorite song Kiss You by One Direction at a time like this? Are you making fun of me!"

His eyes widen in fear. "No! I thought it was catchy and funny."

"Well it's not," I growl out at him.

He sighs, running a hand through his curls. "Wives am I right?"

"Why you little." I grab some of the cake we'd have left over from our wedding (yes it had mold on it) and squish it into his face.

He breathes from his mouth, his green eyes the only thing I can see. "Ok," he wipes it from his cheeks, letting it slap against the ground. "I deserved that."

"You deserve a lot worse than that!" I shriek out.

He sighs, placing his hands on mine motherly making my anger-o-meter blossom. "I know this isn't you talking," he says motherly. "It is your preggers getting to you so I'm just going to go watch some tv."

I watch hom like a hawk as he sits down at the couch, putting his fingers on his face only to lick the icing off his hands. Disgusting.

Joining him on the couch, he pulls me to his side. "Can we have sex tonight?" he asks into the crook of my neck.

He always asked this. "No. Not while I'm pregnant."

He pours his lips. "That's nine months! I'm a growing boy with hormones and I need it."

"No," I say sternly.

He frowns again but doesnt bring it up again.

Paying attention to the tv, I let out a sigh loudly letting it trail off only yo restart again.

He slowly turns towards me, jaw clenched tight. "Yes dear?"

"Well since you asked," I get comfy on the couch. "because I'm very pregnant because of you, can you go get me a snack?"

He sighs. "This'll be your excuse all the time won't it?"

I grin smugly. "Until it's out of me." I get comfy on the couch and Harry fetches my food.

This is the life.

《Hospital: Nine months later》

This so was not the life. Contractions rumble in my stomach as I scream, sweat rolling down my cheeks. Harry grips my hand as I do to his, probably cutting off the circulation.

And then, six hours later, the little bundle of joy comes and is placed into my shaky arms. It was a girl.

"So what do you want to name her?" Harry whispers, green eyes in delight as he takes her from me. He kisses her forehead, letting his eyes roam her face.

"Amelia Styles," I respond still out of breath but thankful she wasn't in my stomach anymore.

Harry grins, love in his eyes. "I love it." He walks over to the paper and signs her name. "She's perfect."

《Four months later》

Amelia flings food off of her fork, landing it straight in Harry's face. He sighs, punching the bridge of his nose. "If stupid sixteen year olds can do this on sixteen and pregnant why can't I!"

Amelia laughs, exposing her gums as Harry wipes the foos from his face. I try to bide my smile too as he turns towards me. "Please... no more kids."

I grin. "Sorry dear, but.... I'm pregnant."


VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW. I know this is random but I realized I needed to put things into how they happened instead of making just an epilogue.. you guys deserve this! :)

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