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Chapter 22: Virgin Taker

TRAILER ABOVE BY BieberAndHazza! Thank you, I love it! Harry actually seems cute :]

Macy's POV

"And then he told me that he wasn't even a virgin after a year of telling me he was!" I cry out.

Ian tightens his jaw, holding me close to him. His dark eyes were in perfect slits as he wrapped his muscled arms around my waist, pulling me to him. I let my hands run thru his soft dark hair. His warm breath fans over my neck before he pulls back slightly. "You can stay with me until you figure everything out that needs to be figured out," he whispers into my neck.

I relax in his hold, enjoying the feel of somebody caring about me. Harry shouldn't have lied to me. How long had he been... unclean? Who had been the most luckiest girl in the world? When did he do it? Whenever we were dating? When we were on break? Before I moved here? 

These thoughts erupt into my mind as a text message flashes across my screen. Pulling back from Ian, he gives me a wobbly smile before I pick up the phone reading:

"Macy please come back. It's not what you think. I'm in love with you. She was just a hook up. We had been on break, and I needed something to take my mind off of you. Please Macy, please don't do this. We have a future to keep. Harry x"

I text back quickly with anger written on my face. "Nah. I'm here with Ian giving him a wonderful time."

I wanted Harry to see how much he had broke me by thinking that Ian and I were doing something we weren't. My phone buzzes immediately and an image of a girl and guy holding hands pops up. He couldn't even apologize for how much he had hurt me. Angry tears flood the insides of my eyes, and I look over at where Ian stares at me with an indescribable expression on his face.

"You should go to him," he says quietly, thick lips locked tight.

Disbelief marks my face. "You can't seriously be on his side! After everything you and I have been thru you're willing to give us up- Again!" I shriek out, going into hysterics.

Ian doesn't speak. Instead, he pulls me to him and delicately places his lips to my forehead. "Did I ever tell you, whenever we were dating, that whenever you get angry it's the most desirable thing on this planet?" he asks.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "No." Right whenever I reply, a knock sounds at the door.

"Wait here," Ian says, placing a finger in the air. "I'll be right back." He opens the door, revealing Harry as he assesses me.

"You, here, now!" Harry growls, storming in. He takes my hand in his wrist, pulling me from Ian's house. I give Ian a pleading look but he shakes his head, closing the door silently. Harry roughly shoves me into the car, putting his legs on either side of me to pin me in. "How do you expect a horny male to deal with love whenever the love of his life breaks up with him?" he shouts into my face, making me flinch. Harry puts his arms on either side of my head, leaning in. His lips brush against my ear and I shiver despite wanting to. "I need you so badly," he says huskily.

He presses himself against me, his sweet toxic scent grabbing my nose. "Harry you lied to me," I whisper, pulling away from him.

He puts his large hand on the corner of my chin, tilting it up with soft eyes. "I need you. I lied but I need you. Please be mine. I'm lonely, lost, sick, ill, and basically a loser without my girl." He lets his loud breaths escape from his lips, touching my neck. "Be mine." Then he crashes his lips to mine. Opening the car door, we fall thru landing on his expensive and lush seating. He puts his hands under my shirt, igniting sparks of electricity at the touch. His lips are feverishly red when he pulls back. "Please," he whimpers.

I nod slowly, but make a mental note that once a liar, always a liar. Although Harry had hurt me, I was far too lost without him as well. I wasn't sure what that said about me, but I knew that I wanted Harry more than I had ever wanted somebody in my life. He was my air that I breathed. He was the lyrics to my song. Most importantly, he was the reason my heart speeds up.

"I love you," he whispers, kissing my heated skin.

I let my hands glide thru his curls, eyes closed. "I-I know you do," I whimper back. "I-I love you, t-too." Harry takes me back to his apartment after that and we cuddle. It wasn't something that we did often because I could always feel Vern poking and stabbing me in the back, but I was in love with Harry. Although he wasn't clean, and although some things like him admitting that to me couldn't be fixed, Harry was my problem.

And I wanted to keep him as my problem. Nobody elses. But I was curious as to whom had the lucky night, so I asked.

"Harry," I whisper into the night. He gives me a groggily hmm, allowing me to continue. "Who did you... Who did you loose your virginity to?" I say. I didn't know what was more awkward. That it was Harry's burden or that I was asking.

But, for the sake of me and not himself, Harry responds.

"Trish Gomez," he whispers.

I freeze in my spot, thinking about my backstabbing cousin doing this to me. I hated her. I hated him. But I most certainly hated myself, and hated that Logan was being cheated on even though he was psychotic. Fiery anger courses thru my blood as I picture Harry and her getting it, the thing that I was saving to take Harry's innocence, even when she knew that we were dating even if it was a year ago! She had always been around, lurking.

That... That... Virgin taker!

I wish I would have known.

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Question from you guys: Do you ever get tired of writing this? Occasionally whenever I think of a new idea that I can't start, but other than that no. I always come back to this story, delete the other, and think about how #Hacy is goals. XD

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