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Chapter 6: Firstly, it's a strawberry filled donut

Macy's POV

"What is this?" I throw my hands up in shock, watching as Logan scrambles to his feet. "Firstly, why the heck does Logan have blood on his hands while you, Trish, are licking it?" I shout. "Secondly, why is Logan in my house!"

Logan looks down at his hands then at me. "Firstly, it's a strawberry filled donut. And secondly," Logan holds Trish's hand. "We're dating. Do you have a problem with that, Macy?" He cocks a brow as Trish's face stays the same scarlet color.

I look at the donut Logan stuffs in his face before licking his fingers clean. "Oh..." I look to Trish for reassurance that he wasn't holding her hostage or anything, but her eyes were glued to Logan in complete love. Nodding my head awkwardly, I head to my bedroom. It has been a rough day and it felt weird having a crazy weirdo in my house as much as I love Logan, he has problems.

Trish deserves somebody who doesn't stalk girls for a living, and only God knows what else. Heading to my open curtains, I could see Harry's lights were still on. Gripping the window frame, I close it harshly and pull the curtains closed. Plopping into bed, I ignore the idea of Harry, Logan, and Ian. College was in two days and I needed to get into the habit of sleeping.


Harry's POV

Grapping everything I could, I pack it all into the trunk of my car. Now to talk Macy into coming. Running across the dark street I grab onto a tree conveniently right beside her window, and climb on top of her roof. Knocking on her window, the window immediately shoots open while Macy's are groggily with sleep.

"What do you want, idiot?"

I grin. "Come with me tonight," I hold my hand out for her as she hesitantly gives her hand to me. "Forget about Ian just be with me tonight," I lead her down the roof slowly, smiling at her through the dark. Macy nods, biting her bottom lip. I grab her and place her legs around my waist before slowly leading her down the trunk. It felt nice to be so close to her again. With that said, it still felt like this huge barrier was ripping the connection, and it was Ian.

Walking us across the street, I slip her into the passenger seat and run to my side. Cranking my black BMW up, I speed down the road.

"So," Macy plays with the strings on her jacket. "where are we going?"

I chuckle, staring straight ahead. "I'd normally say it's a surprise, but you are normally so stubborn when I say that so I'll tell you," I drum my fingers on the steering wheel while she mutters 'ok' under her breath. "I have a spot I set up for us that costed lots of dollars, and plan to show you how much I need you, and you need me," I pat my pocket, feeling the necklace through my jeans.

Pulling into the place, I take her through the dark as the crickets chirp in the distance. It did cost a lot but Macy meant so much to me. And I'm a millionaire. It may be a cheesy place with its fancy décor but it turns out girls and women love this stuff. Walking to the white domed room, I pull out the old timey white chair and place Macy in then scoot her in.

"Hope you don't find it too," I pull out crab legs. "too cheesy." Macy grins at me, eagerly biting into the hard shells.

"Nope. Just the right amount!" I grin at her, creating small talk until it's time for me to take her on a walk.

"Follow me," I take her hand and lead her away from the dome shaped building and on to the concrete till we were away from all the lights except the moon. "So you're starting college in two days, feelings?" I dodge around rocks and sticks, pushing back tree branches to let Macy pass. 

Macy shrugs. "School is school," she stares up at me, pretty green and blue eyes shining. "What about you?"

I chuckle. "I don't even know," I reply truthfully. I stop walking and stare down at her. "Macy," I pull out the necklace in the shape of ∞, which means infinite. I turn her around and placing her thick hair in a ponytail, I then proceed in placing the cool metal around her neck before clipping it in the back.

She turns around, hair sliding through my fingers. "It's beautiful," she whispers, holding the diamond encrusted infinite symbol in her palm.

"It means infinite. As in our love is infinite. We are infinite," I whisper, my hand on the underside of her jaw. Her lips part, hot breath grazing my chin. "Even if I or you died, that lasting love will never die. You can't control what we have no matter how much you want to. It bothers you that you can't control your obvious caring emotions for me; you're scared that you think your heart belongs to me," I let my lips glide down her neck as goose bumps rise on her arms. "But guess what sweetheart?" I kiss her neck. "It does."

Vote? :) Sorry it was short, laptop has a virus -_-


Question: OMGOSH; How cute was this chappie? :)

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