My First Encounter

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*Bell rings to dismiss class*
Thank God class was over.  Was all I thought to myself as I exited the classroom to head to my other class. I gathered all my textbooks and carried them to my locker to get my other books for my next class. I walked briskly to my next class which was my favourite, English. Just saying English puts a smile on my face. I wasn't a nerd or anything... I was just a regular girl with two friends, Celeste and Melissa. I only have two friends because I dont like the drama and the backstabbing with big groups. Having two friends was already a handful.

Celeste and I were best friends since middle school whereas Melissa and I have been friends since we were in diapers and still maintained our friendship after all those hectic years. I love Melissa with all my heart becuase we understand each other so well and we know every dark secret about each other and so forth and so fifth.

Haha! Get it?

No? Just me.

I hurried over to my seat which was in the middle of class and greeted my best friend Melissa.

"Sup chica" I smiled and said.

"Heyyy what's up?" she replied with a huge grin on her face.

"I'm alright " I said with a shrug.

We chatted for a few minutes and then Ms. Phillips walked into class.

"Morning students" Ms.Phillips greeted.

"Morning" everyone replied.

"Let's get cracking we only have one period" she stated as she began writing notes on the board.

English ended quickly much to my dismay. I packed up my things and headed to my locker absentmindedly counting how many steps it would take for me to get to my locker. I swear to God I am not a nerd! I just like to keep my mind occupied by thinking random stuff, also I'm afraid of getting Alzheimer's which is why I try to keep an active brain.




I fell down to the ground immediately and landed on my butt. That hurt! I looked up and was horrified of who was standing in front of me. All my years of staying out of the bad boy's way just went completely down the drain. He is so going to KILL ME! I am screwed. I really need to start keeping my head up when I walk.

"Ohhh I-I a-am really really s-sorry!!!!" I apologized quickly, well rather slowly due to my stuttering.

"Well would you look at that, watch where you're going next time Jacobs" he said with a smirk and then he walked off all badass.

I was confused, seriously hopelessly confused.

How come he wasn't mad?

Darn! I lost count of my steps. Oh well, I will count them went I go to lunch instead.

I caught up with my friends Celeste and Melissa on to way to lunch so I just joined them.

"Guys, did you know that I ran into Blake, literally, at school today?" I said trying to bring up a topic. Celeste head snapped up at an inhumanly speed I almost thought it would fly off.

"You did what!?" Melissa asked while stuffing her face with fries.

"W-what did he s-say to you?" Celeste said slightly stuttering .

"He told me to "watch it Jacob" I said doing the 'quote and quote' hand thing that my Elementary teacher used to constantly do.

"Mhmm..." they both said at the same time.


Time passed by really quickly because school was over. I headed over towards my car and spotted a fairly muscular figure leaning on the door with his arms folded across his chest. I was trying to figure out who it was but his back was facing me.


I gathered up all the courage I had in me and walked up to him and tapped him on the back.

"Umm excuse, you're blocking my car" he then turned around it was no other than Blake, the Bad boy who I had bounced into earlier today.


"Okay" was all he said with a smirk, Still not moving.

"Can you like Umm I don't know... move your left and right foot and walk away from my car!" I asked getting very frustrated.

"Go on a date with me" he said so bluntly.

"What? Nooo! Are you crazy!" I almost choked on my saliva at his bluntness.

"Then I won't move" he stated folding his arms across his chest.

"Ohh come on!" I yelled stomping my foot like a five year old and he chuckled lightly at my childish reaction.

"Just one date" he was practically begging me now, why, I would never know.




"Then I won't leave you alone then" he smirked and walked away. YAY!

"Fine by me" I smiled, knowing he'd get annoyed by me. After all, he was a player so he'd just play me.



New book guys and I could really use your help. All you have to do is Vote and Comment and tell me what you think :)

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Anyone who is interested in making new covers I'll dedicate a chapter to you :P Also please check out my other book "The Best Summer Ever" *not completed* Hehe :)

Here is where I think you have to vote and comment. :)


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