That Boy Is So Annoying But Really Cute

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I woke up the next morning feeling extremely tired. I don't know what the problem is... I go to bed at 9pm every night unless I have homework. I threw that thought aside and went to my bathroom to brush my teeth, have a shower and wash my hair. I dried my skin and applied some moisturizing lotion for my dry skin and blow dried my hair. After blow-drying it, I decided to just throw my hair up in a high bun. Having the perfect outfit to go to school was not my priority as I just threw on an outfit and hoped that I at least looked presentable. Not that I care or anything.

I put on some mascara and light pink eye shadow and light pink lip gloss. If I have a specific color, everything has to match.. and also ..I'm in love with pink.

Maybe you didn't notice?

I headed downstairs and ate my breakfast really quickly and hopped into my car and drove to school. I got out of the car and immediately saw Melissa and Celeste chatting in a coner.

I hastily walked over to them "Morning girls" I said smiling brightly at them.

"Hey.. what's up Kathy?" Celeste asked.

"I'm good, what about ya'll" I questioned.

"We're both good" Melissa stated and after that the bell rang for school to commence.

"I'll see you guys later" I blowed each of them a kiss and headed to my first class which was Math.

I mentally groaned. For some reason I can't stand Mr. Grandison. I think it's cause he's just so talkative and he can't even teach that good. I grabbed my Math textbook from my locker and took my usual seat. Two minutes later he walked into class and grumbled a 'morning' to us

What crawled up his ass and died in there? Urghh! I have two periods of this man. Let the torture begin!

"Class is dismissed" Mr. grandison mumbled to an empty class. The children left and soon as the bell rang to end second period

'Finally!' I mentally said to myself.

I learnt nothing because every time he starts talking. He starts rambling on and on and I just zone out. Thank god I have Mathway. I packed up my books and carried them to my locker and there he was, no other than the annoying Blake.

"What do you want Blake?" I questioned.

"A date"

"Nope! Now get out of my way, your'e going to make me late for class" I stated checking the time.

I was already late.

"ONE date and that's it" he begged.

"Why do you wanna go on a date with me so Badly, and since when do you beg?" I asked him puzzled by his actions.

"Well you're really pretty and I can't get you out of my mind and just oneeee date...and I do not beg." He stated sounding offended.

I rolled my eyes and walked around him and put my books in my locker and walked to class, I was already five minutes late, so why run?

I opened the door and Mrs. Picasio's class. she didn't even look up at me but she immediately said "You're late" without taking her eyes off of the board.

No shit Sherlock!

"Detention now!" she stated furiously.

I can't believe I just said that... out loud. Now I have to walk all the way across the school to go to the detention room. Stupid Mrs. Picasio. She gave me the detention slip and I trudged through the halls of the school. I opened the door to the detention room and guess who was there. Yep you guessed right.


I mentally groaned, why do I keep having run-ins with that annoying nuisance. I walked in and the teacher was sleeping.. like drooling- flooding- the -entire -place -with -his- disgusting -drool-sleeping. So it was just me and Blake ...


"Sup shortcake?..Miss me already?" he asked while a smirk crept onto his face.

Ughhh Blake please leave me alone!

"Hurtful!" he fake hurt by putting his hand over his heart and pouting.

I need to stop saying things out loud!

"Yep you definitely need to stop" he stated popping a minty flavored gum in his mouth.

Damn it! This detention would be a long one!

"Blake can you like.. stop talking for like five minutes. I would really appreciate that" I practically begged him

"Anything for you hun" he smiled and sat back in his chair

I wish he couldn't speak. Life would be so peaceful. But too bad life wasn't like that. I just want to hit the face... with a piece of wood from a tree bark... and never stop! I decided to put my head on the desk and take a little nap.

"Time's up! He grinned widely. "Now can you tell me why you are in detention.. or you just wanted to spend quality time with your boy Blakey?" he asked wigglng his eyebrows.

"If you wiggle your eyebrows at me again I swear to god I will cut them off... with a knife and store it in a jar" I said and he immediately stopped.


"I simply said 'No shit Sherlock' at my stupid teacher" I replied in a bored tone.

"Ooooo someone's getting a little sassy aren't we" he purred at me.

I chuckled at him, he was too cute doing that.

"No I'm not, she's just stupid"

We kept on talking and talking and I realized that this might not be so bad after all.


Finally detention was over. I actually kind of, not so much.. enjoyed myself.

"So will you go on a date with me? Blake asked for what seemed to be the hundredth time!

To me he seemed a little nervous,as he scratched the back of his neck in an awkward way and ran his finger through his long fluffy black hair.

"You aren't gonna stop asking aren't you?" I asked with a small smile.

"You learn pretty fast." He said smirking.

"Okay I'll go with you." I smiled at him and saw a hugggge grin on his face.

"Kay I'll pick you up at your house at 6:30, dress fancy." He smiled warmly and walked away.


I'm so fricking upset right now. I added the other two chapter together and deleted this one so I had to write it over.

I must start saving my work I hate writing!!

btw i started to edit this book so far because i realize that i wont have enough time o be writing chappies so ill just start editing :)

Anywayy bye! Please read vote and comment and also follow! bye!! *Muahzzz!*


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