I Think I May Like Blake?

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The next morning, I woke up feeling well rested. I rolled over on my bed and grabbed my phone on my night stand checking the time on my phone. I activated the phone and It came on the time is 4:00am! What the hell am I doing up so early. I tried going back to sleep but failed miserably. I kept waking up every five minutes. I got out of bed and walked up and down my room mindlessly.

Ughhh! I was already bored out of my mind; I pulled out my phone and checked the time 4:05am. I felt like crying I was so bored. I decided to text Melissa and Celeste

“Heyyy heyy watcha doin ;)’

‘Go to bed -_-’ Melissa texted back.

‘Bitch go to bed’ Celeste replied.

I opened up Doodle Jump on my phone. After playing for what felt like hours, I decided to try and go back to sleep. I was sleeping for about 20 minutes but then my phone decided it was the best time to ring.

One way or another,

I’m gonna find ya,

I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha’ Blasted from my phone.

“What!?!” I hissed into my phone.

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed” A voice that sounded a bit too familiar replied.

“Blake what do you want and what are you doing up so early and WHY on Earth would you call me at this hour?” I said sounding exasperated.

“Wellllllllll….I just wanted to chat with you, I can’t sleep and I wanted to talk to someone” he said sounding really cute.

“Blaaaaaakeeee I want to sleep I wasn’t able to sleep for about an hour and now I could sleep but SOMEONE wanted to talk You.” I said in a flat tone of voice, stating that I was very annoyed.

“So what you want to do?” he said completely ignoring me.

“Sleep” I said annoyed.

“Why would you want to sleep at this hour its only 4:45am, you should be up and about doing something maybe jogging.” he said casually over the phone.

“Jog, You seriously think I don’t have a life and I’m not close to athletic so that’s definite a no, no.” I said plain.

We kept talking and talking and talking and lost track of time, by the time we were ready to say our byes he asked me a question.

“Heyy, Umm Kathy, can I ask you something?” he asked sounding really sweet and polite.

“Yeah sure go ahead” I said waiting eagerly for him to ask his question.

“I have wanted to ask you this question for a really long time now, it has had me sleepless and I want you to be totally honest with me. It might be a little awkward between us after this but I have to know the truth. I have kept it in my mind for a while now but I think it’s finally its time I am straight up and confront you and I hope this doesn’t ruin the friendship we already have. I just need to know and I don’t see any other way I could get over this. Just doesn’t seem fair if I don’t get an answer. I want to tell you to tell me truthfully, no matter how harsh it is. I just want to know.” He trailed off leaving me there hanging waiting for him to finish his sentence.

“Yeahh” I said a bit nervous anxiously waiting for him to reply.

 I thought ran across my mind thinking that he wants to marry me. I have no idea how that came across my mind I threw that thought aside and waited for him to finish.

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