Just A Normal Day At School

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It was Monday already which meant that I had school. I woke up with a huge smile planted across my face. You know like when you’re watching a movie and the star of the show wakes up with a stretch and a cute yawn. Yeah. It actually happened to me. I walked downstairs to check and see who was home and immediately was engulfed with the smell of bacon.

It smelt so good! When I walked into the kitchen, I saw my mom making breakfast. I ran up to her and hugged her from the back. It was the fact the she was rarely home which made me miss her so much. She would always be working and going on a business trip ever so often I barely got to spend time with my mother. She turned around and hugged me back and kissed me on my forehead.

“I missed you so much sweetheart” she practically cried over my head.

 Tear droplets falling into my hair but I didn’t mind.

“Me too” my voice came out croaky.

 I was on the verge of tears. I kissed her on the cheek and pulled away. She took out a plate and shared out my breakfast. I smiled gratefully and said a small ‘thank you’. I carried my breakfast upstairs and ate it peacefully on my computer chair.

I carried my plate downstairs and headed upstairs and ran into the bathroom. I stripped myself naked and went into the shower. I brushed my teeth and gargled with Listerine. I dried my skin and applied lotion. I decided on a blue and yellow dress that reached mid-thigh, with a thin blue jacket. It wasn’t too formal but just right for school.

I hopped into my car and drove to school. The ride to school was too quiet so I turned up the radio and heard my favourite song ‘Thrift Shop’ by ‘Macklemore’. The beat was catchy I found it hard not to sing and dance along to that song.

I’m gonna pop some tags,

Only got twenty dollars in my pocket,

‘*something, something*’ ~I don’t know this part~

‘THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!’ I sang along and shouted out the last part tapping my hands on the steering wheel.

 Soon after I reached to school and saw Celeste and Melissa chatting. These girls were always early for school.

“Heyyyy girls” I said walking up to them with a smile planted across my face.

“Hey, is there any specific reason why you’ve dressed up fancy?” Celeste asked with a smirk planted on her face.

“So I’m guessing Melissa already told you about my date with Blake huh?” I smiled at her sheepishly.

“Soooo how was it?” she asked poking me in my sides.

 I blushed slightly remembering the entire thing.

“It was good.” I said simply.

“That’s all we get ‘It was good’ that’s all? I want details” she stated dead serious folding her arms across her chest.

*Sigh* I told them the entire thing about my date and how we kissed and left me hanging. They were both screaming and acting all girly and stuff, I just playfully punched them on the shoulder.

“Is he a good kisser?” Melissa asked.

At that same moment the bell rang. I definitely wasn’t going to answer that question.

Talk about saved by the bell.

The bell finally rang to commence classes. I went to my locker to get my diary to see what classes I had next which was English.

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