The Bad Boy Likes Celine dion?

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Oh My God!!!!!

I can’t believe he kissed me. Why did he do that? Why would he do that? I’m his friend, friends don’t do that to each other, or at least not to my knowledge. But you know what the sad thing was? I actually liked it. It felt good even though it was just a simple kiss, a peck one could say, it was good I enjoyed it. I wonder what Mel is going to say when she hears about this. Would she be happy for me that I was starting to forget blake or would she be angry or sad. 

I don’t know.


I really like Blake or well I thought I did until two days ago. 

It was Saturday, not that I was complaining but it came pretty quickly. I look over at my night stand to look at the time 11:23 am. I hesitantly rolled out of bed and began my daily routine which included showering, brushing my teeth, eat and then do whatever the heck I had to do.

I skipped downstairs to get something to eat which were waffles, eggs, bacon and a glass of pineapple, orange juice. After putting all the food on my plate I ran upstairs to go watch some tv and eat my breakfast.

After feeling like a ate a cow,  I watched some TV

as soon as i was about to take a nap 'Ding Dong'

"Rats ass" 

Who would be in front of my house at this time of the day? I ran downstairs in record time so that the people outside  won’t think that I’m dead. Dear god, please done let it be a Jehovah's Witness. I silently prayed to God. As soon as I swung open the door, I was met with him.  Yep you guessed right.


"What are you doing here" I spat at him venomously.

"I’m here to start our English project which is due next two weeks and also I’m here to apologize for the way I treated you at the party I’m a terrible drunkard and I’m really, really sorry."

Right there and then I wanted to punch him in the face until he reaches the Caribbean.  I just couldn’t take this from him, from anyone. So I closed the door in his face, but when i didn’t hear the loud slam from the door I turned around to see his foot jammed against the door.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow" he winced.

I really didn’t care that his foot was probably injured at this point, I wished it was his head and not his foot. Alright that’s enough mean thoughts for one day.

"whatever, just get in" I grumbled as he pushed past me into my house heading for the couch.

"So your not going to nurse my foot?" he asked as if i was really going to do that for him.

"I wasn't the one dumb enough to put my foot in the way of a closing door.”

He sat down on the two seater couch, if he and I were on good terms I probably would have sat down next to him but since we aren’t I took the seat furthest away from him.

“Speak now or forever hold your peace Blake.” I said annoyed .

“At the party the other day, I just want to apologize for acting the way I did. I wasn’t aware of what I did the day after when Melissa texted me. When I drink I am a terrible person. Please you gotta forgive me. I had no control over what I did , it wasn’t me it was the alcohol and im very sorry that it happened” he pleaded with me.

“well it happened” I whispered at him not wanting to look him in the eyes or remember the way I felt the night of the party.

“please forgive me I cant even remember anything that happened at the party I was so stoned” he said coming over on the one seater couch I was sitting on stooping on the floor infront of me.

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