01. trollface

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"You're serious? You actually want to take villains and bring them here? Ben, what is wrong with you!?" Audrey demanded, her perfect face scrunched up in disgust. "Honestly, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! Is this some type of sick joke?"

"I think it's a wonderful idea." Clara smirked, watching her brother's girlfriend with amusement while half expecting her head to explode. The blonde lay sprawled out on a white leather couch, her feet dangling over the top of it and a mischievous glint in her eye, as per usual. Her hair was tied up in a high pony and she wore a rich emerald jumpsuit, merely rolling her eyes as Audrey glared at her.

"Oh, how predictable! The troublemaker wants to bring over a bunch of delinquents to ruin whatever they please." Audrey spat back.

"Oh, how predictable! The close-minded witch refuses to give someone who is different a chance." Clara quipped, flipping through a nearby magazine.

"Ben! Are you going to let her speak to me like that? She called me a witch!"

"Can you two please just get along for once? I'm sorry sweetheart, but whether you like it or not, I have decided it's what I'm going to do. I just can't help feeling like we've abandoned them, they need our help. Don't you think they deserve a chance?" Ben said, softly gripping Audrey's shoulders in an attempt to calm the brunette down.

"No, I don't think they deserve anything at all. Ugh, I gotta go. I'll see you later, Benny Boo. Bye, Clarissa!" Audrey replied, kissing Ben's cheek before leaving.

"Have a lovely night, trollface!" Clara called out after her, grinning at Ben's slightly amused expression. "You know I hate her, right?"

"Everybody knows, but could you please, please try to be nice, for my sake?"

"Ben, she's so controlling! You just let her walk all over you, you deserve better. I'm being mean for your sake, trust me, you'll be thanking me in like twenty years time." Clara told him, sitting up properly to face him. "And for the record, I really do think that this is a good idea. You're doing a great thing."

"Thanks, but coming from someone like you, that just makes me nervous." Ben joked, grinning at his sister who just rolled her green eyes.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go finish off my song, I'll catch up with you later." Clara said, getting up and heading towards the door before abruptly spinning back around. "Oh, wait! When do these 'transfers' come? I'd love to be on the welcoming committee."

"Tomorrow and speaking of which, can I ask you for a favour?"

"Of course, what do you need?" Clara asked, surprise clear in her tone.

"I wanted to ask you to stay away from them." Ben announced, his voice slow and unsure.

"Absolutely not." Clara grinned, turning and leaving just in time to hear Ben mumble bitterly,

"Didn't think so.".


Hours had passed and Clara sat in her dorm room staring intently at her notebook. Words were scrawled across the page, but nothing was flowing. Nothing seemed to sound good and she had no inspiration. Frustrated, Clara decided to flip through her book and glance at some of her other songs to see what she was missing, but it didn't look like anything was.

Fed up and annoyed, she got up and changed into her pyjamas and let herself fall onto her bed. Despite magic being practically dead nowadays, Clara still loved it and with the flick of her wrist and a quiet mumbling, the lights snapped off. A proud smile was stretched onto her face as she laid back onto her bed and let her mind wander.

She couldn't be more excited for the villain kids to come and couldn't wait to meet them and see what they're like. Malificent's daughter, Mal, was no doubt going to be strong and hard to sway, the Evil Queen's daughter, Evie, was expected to be very pretty, perhaps the fairest in the land. Jafar's son, Jay, was probably gonna be a thief or at least had been at some stage, but when it came to Carlos, Clara was stumped. She didn't really know much about Cruella Deville and didn't know what to expect from her son, although she guessed he was probably and understandably, a nutcase.

No matter how far off her expectations may be, one thing is for certain and that is that Clara simply could not wait to stir up trouble with them all..

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now