08. the date

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Carlos lead Clara deep into the forest, right up to the top of the hill where they could see the entire campus. The glow of the sun set making everything appear that much prettier and happier, the students hurriedly rushing to their dorms in an attempt to be back before curfew seeming so small and ridiculous.

"So, Ben's coronation is coming up.." Carlos said, unpacking his backpack and setting a red blanket on the fresh grass for them to sit on. "Do you have any special duties for that?"

"Hm, nothing too hard. He wants me to sing, but other than that I shouldn't be doing much. I just get to sit by and watch it all unfold, on the sidelines supporting my brother." Clara replied, watching him pull out chocolate covered strawberries. "Wow, I didn't know you knew how to melt chocolate."

"I don't, Mal sorted this all out for us. Your brother introduced her to strawberries and she insisted I bring them, she is convinced they are the most delicious food in the world." He answered, offering her one before taking one for himself and inspecting it.

"Haha, she's not too far off. Strawberries are pretty good."

"I don't know, it's a funny shape." Carlos muttered, looking up from his chocolate covered fruit to watch Clara pop one into her mouth. Whole. "Don't choke!"

"Thanks for the concern, but I have been eating strawberries my whole life. I've got this." She replied, laughing off his worry. "You however do not got this, here, it won't kill you." Clara added, taking the strawberry from his hand and swiftly slipping it into his mouth as he opened to protest. "Now chew."

"That is really good!" Carlos said through a mouth full of food. "Wow, do you guys eat like this all the time here?"

"Basically. I mean, we don't eat chocolate covered strawberries everyday, but I guess we could if we really wanted to." She shrugged, watching him with amusement in her eyes as he began to stuff as many strawberries as possible into his mouth. "But maybe don't eat them all at once."

"Oh, right. Ha, um, so about the coronation, where does everyone sit?" Carlos asked, taking a break from the deliciousness that is strawberries.

"Well, usually it'd just be our parents, Ben and I, but I guess Mal is Ben's girlfriend now so she'd sit with us too."

"What if you were my girlfriend?" Carlos questioned, leaning back and then springing forward once he had realised what he said. "Oh, I'm sorry-"

"No, it's okay. Um, then I suppose you'd sit with us too." She answered, the darkening of the night hiding her red cheeks as she fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"I'd really like to sit with you guys if it came with the title of your boyfriend." Carlos said, testing the waters and seeing how she would react. Sure, he knew she liked him, but she was also known for physically abusing boys who hit on her and he wasn't trying to end up in a coma.

"Hm, that's funny." Clara mused, stretching out on the blanket.

"Oh, um why's that?" Carlos asked, slowly backing up.

"Because I'd really like that too."

"Good." He grinned back, leaning in towards Clara again. The blonde smiling at Carlos as she softly gripped his face, the two teens with barely any space between them. "Clara, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

"Of course." She whispered, her eyes fluttering closed as Carlos closed the space between them. The only thing on their minds being each other and pure bliss as they both smiled into the kiss.


"Wanna see something cool?"

"Sure." Clara shrugged, curiously watching the Deville boy as he produced the silver spray can from his backpack and pointed it towards the sky. As he lightly pressed down on the nozzle, tiny stars shot out from the can and landed in the sky. Carlos twisted the can so the stars made a heart and then wrote Clara's name beneath it. "Woah, now that is magic."

"It was incredibly hard to make, but it was definitely worth it to see that look of pure amazement on your face." Carlos smiled, watching Clara as she attempted to touch the stars. She took the can from him and drew a puppy besides the heart before writing Carlos' name in the sky above the heart. Grinning at her handiwork.

"How cool is this?"

It's great, but I really should be getting you back now, it's late." Carlos sighed, glancing at his watch before pulling on Clara's hand waiting for her to protest.

"But I don't want to go back, look! We're literally drawing with stars in the sky!"

"I'm sorry, here, how about you keep the can and I'll get to work on making another so we can do it again sometime. I promise."

"Why can't we just stay here for a little longer? Please?" Clara begged, swinging their entwined hands.

"Clara, you're exhausted. All you've done for the past 10 minutes is yawn, I love spending time with you and this is easily the best night of my life, but I also know you hate being tired and that if we stay out much longer that's exactly what you'll be tomorrow."

"What's the time?"

"Roughly 11:15. You know I have the blanket still, we could always just sleep up on the hill?"

"No, Ben always comes to wake me up in the morning and I don't need a lecture from him. Fine, I guess we should head up to our dorms then." Clara grumbled, squirting one last strand of stars into the sky before letting Carlos drag her out of the forest. "You know, I had a really great time."

"So did I and do you know what makes me beyond happy?"

"What would that be?"

"That I can finally call you mine."

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now