05. the cookie

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Carlos' POV

"Jay! What were you thinking?!" Carlos yelled, glaring at his friend when they got back to their dorm room.

"Have you forgotten why we're here? I was getting the wand, the sooner we get it the better. Hate to break it to you, man, but it's never going to work out with Clara. You seriously think she's going to like you after we let our parents in to wreck havoc?" Jay replied, climbing into his bed, finally voicing everyone's thoughts.

"Maybe if I exp-"

"Let it go, Carlos. I'm sorry, but she's not only way out of your league, but she's also good. She may like to stir up trouble, but she's not one of us." Jay interrupted, carefully watching Carlos' determined expression. His friend's white-black hair was a total mess, his eyes were slightly squinted and his lips were pressed into a thin line.

"We'll see about that." Carlos muttered, a slight smirk spreading across his face as he crawled into his own bed after switching off their light, a plan clearly forming in the apparent villain's mind.

"Carlos, you've known her for a day! Maybe you should just forget about her."

"I don't want to." Carlos mumbled into the darkness, causing Jay to roll his eyes and huff, mumbling something else about only knowing the girl a day.


A few days had passed since the whole wand-museum incident and Clara was successfully avoiding Carlos and the villain's kids, despite her saying that they were fine. Carlos was quickly becoming exasperated with the situation and so that is what led him to smuggle out one of Mal's love potion cookies and attempt to give it to Clara.

"Hey, Clara! Wait up!" He called out, spotting her cutting across the field. Upon hearing him, Clara stopped and turned with a clear look of annoyance on her face as he sprinted over to her. "Um, hey. I haven't really seen you around much, what's, uh, been going on?"

"Look, I've gotta get to class. Sorry, Carlos, maybe we'll get the chance to talk later." Clara said, swiftly turning around and stepping forward, but in a desperate attempt not to let her go, Carlos gripped onto her arm and pulled her back around so she was facing him once again and there was little space between them. "Okay, if you try to kiss me I will slap you into next week and scream bloody murder." Clara muttered, gesturing to their closeness and trying to push away.

"Noted." Carlos whispered back, forcing his eyes back up to hers instead of focusing on her perfect, pink lips which were just within reach. "Uh, I wanted to give you this." He told Clara, handing over a small bag with the cookie in it as he released her.

"Oh, thanks. What is it?"

"A chocolate chip cookie; Mal made them and I stole one for you as a kind of peace offering. They're really, really good, I promise. Hopefully good enough for you to stop avoiding my friends and I?"

"That's really sweet; thanks, Carlos. Hey, if it's as good as what you seem to think it is, I'll consider sitting with you guys at lunch. Deal?" Clara smiled, twirling the bag in between her fingers.

"Deal. Definitely deal." Carlos grinned, knowing she'd come running after the very first bite. "I'll, um, I'll just let you get to class now."

"Oh, I'm not actually going to class. There is no fun in that." Clarissa winked as she turned and walked away from Carlos, leaving him staring after her with a proud smirk clear on his face. Jay was wrong, Clara would be his in no time at all..


Clara's POV

"Hey, Ben." Clara sang, walking into his dorm with her bright blue dress swaying softly as she moved.

"You should be in class, Clarissa."

"Who cares? It's not like they're gonna fail me, my brother is soon to be king and once I poison you, I'll reign as queen. They'd be stupid to do such a thing to their future leader." She joked, playfully hitting his arm, but when he didn't laugh or quip back, Clara quickly became concerned. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I'm in love, Clara. She is the only thing on my mind and it's driving me crazy. I swear I never knew true beauty till I met her."

"Oh, please! Audrey is a toad, no true beauty in that vicious cockroach. You can do way better, Ben, way better." Clara replied, rolling her eyes as she sat down on his dorm mate's bed and made herself comfortable.

"Audrey? No, no I have fallen in love with Mal. The beautiful, incredible Mal." Ben corrected, staring into the distance with a dreamy look in his eyes. Clara literally choking at Ben's words.


"Yes. You know Mal- Malificent's daughter, purple hair, from the Isle of Lost- you've met her."

"Yes, yes, I know who you're talking about. I'm just surprised, what about Audrey?"

"What about her? She is nothing compared to my Mal."

"Your Mal? Okay, Romeo, you certainly fell in love awfully quick. If I didn't know any better I'd think she slipped you a love potion. Oh hey, do you mind if I wear your letterman jacket to the game today? I think it'd look cute with my dress."  Clara asked, quickly dismissing the love potion idea as she noticed her brother's jacket and began inspecting it, slipping it on over her dress and twirling around in the mirror. "Looks good, I'm taking it and you, Loverboy, should start getting ready for the game."

"Right, yeah, okay." Ben mumbled, slowly standing up.

"I'll see you later. Good luck out there, I'm sure you guys will do great and good luck with the whole Mal thing." Clara said, giving Ben a quick hug before turning to leave, bumping into Chad on her way out.

"Hey, baby girl. Interested yet?" Chad smirked, leaning up against the doorframe.

"Never in a million years, jerk face."

"I love it when you play hard to get." He quipped, winking as he moved out of her way.

"I love it when you're not hitting on me." Clara shot back, giving Chad a sickly sweet smile.

"Chad, she really doesn't like you; just leave her alone, man. Thanks for visiting, Clara, I'll catch you after the game, yeah?" Ben said, seemingly snapping out of his love trance.

"Definitely." She called back to her brother, heading back to her own dorm room. On the way, she pulled out the bag Carlos had given her and took a tiny bite of the cookie.

A few seconds after swallowing it, Carlos Deville became the only thing on her mind.

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now