03. ice cream

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Clara's POV

"Mal and Evie, this is your dorm and I'm just down the hall if you ever need me. If you want I'll go show the boys their room while you two get settled?" Clara suggested, swinging open the door to their new dorm room. Evie and Mal both rushed in and began rearranging things, grins on their faces and laughs escaping their mouths.

"Sure, but before you go, do you know anything about the magic wand?" Mal asked, intently watching Clara as she awaited her answer.

"Yeah, it's in the Museum. I can take you to see it tonight if you wanted?" Clara answered, Mal instantly grinning at her.

"That'd be great! We'll catch up later then." Mal said, giving the blonde a nod before turning to help Evie push the bed towards the wall.

"Sure thing, bye Evie, Mal!" She called out before walking out into the hallway where the boys were leaning against a wall. "You two look like you're having the time of your life!"

"Haha, very funny. We're hungry." Jay groaned, standing up straight with Carlos quickly following his lead.

"Fine, why don't I show you guys the kitchen first? I'll make you both a sandwich and then I'll take you to your dorm and pretend I was too busy helping you to attend history. Sound good?"

"Depends, what type of sandwich?" Carlos challenged, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.

"Toasted cheese?"

"You're honestly perfect. Yes, thank you. Thank you." Carlos replied, grabbing her hand and leading her in the direction that he hoped was towards the kitchen. "Is the right way?"

"Not at all and you're welcome. Jay, you cool with a toasted cheese sandwich?" Clara laughed, pulling Carlos the other way and grabbing Jay's arm with her free hand.

"Definitely, that sounds amazing."


"Okay, I haven't had a toasted cheese sandwich in a while, but I'm pretty sure it isn't supposed to be black." Jay mumbled, inspecting his charcoal-coloured sandwich as he sat up on the kitchen bench, Carlos leaning up against the bench in the space next to him.

"Hey, I told you I'd make you a sandwich, not that it'd be good." Clara shrugged, watching the two warily eye the food, neither of them making a move to take a bite. "Oh, quit being such babies. I'm sure it tastes fine! Carlos, just take a bite."

"Do we have any proof that it isn't black due to some type of poison?" Carlos said, leaning over towards Jay.

"I don't think so. I'm hungry, but not hungry enough to eat something that could quite possibly kill me." Jay whispered back to Carlos, causing Clara to roll her eyes and throw her hands up in defeat.

"Fine! Don't eat them, give it here. I'll get you idiots some ice cream."

"Ice cream?" Jay questioned, both Carlos and Jay eagerly handing over their burnt sandwiches. "That sounds pretty cool, what is it?"

"You don't know what ice cream is? Carlos, do you?"

"Nope. Never even heard of it before."

"You two have seriously been missing out! Here." Clara told them, thrusting a tub of ice cream and a spoon at each boy. "It basically tastes like heaven."

Watching the boys with an interested expression, Clara observed them scoff down the chocolate flavoured goodness with large grins plastered on their faces, a small smile on her own as she stared at Carlos a little longer than she probably should have. He looked completely amazed, chocolate ice cream was all over his face hiding some of his freckles and every so often his eyes would snap shut as though he was savouring the taste. Using it to her advantage when his eyelids fell, she stuck her finger in his tub and flicked the small piece of ice cream she had collected at his nose. At feeling the cold substance, Carlos' eyes flew open as he furiously wiped his nose. Jay and Clara dissolving into a fit of laughter, which was unfortunately cut short as Carlos flung ice cream at them, missing Clara completely, but getting Jay's forehead.

"Oh, man, you just made a big mistake." Jay warned, using his spoon to collect as much ice cream as he could and aiming it at Carlos' cheek. Sure enough, it hit its mark. Stifling giggles to stop herself from being noticed, Clara crawled across the kitchen ground and hid behind a cupboard as ice cream flew across the room between the two boys.

Suddenly, the sound of ice cream splatting ceased and not a word or breath was heard. Curious, Clara made the mistake of peering out from her hiding spot and the second she did, Jay and Carlos launched a massive ball of ice cream at her, hitting her square in the face. Clara let out a shaky gasp in shock of the sudden coldness before gathering the large ball of ice cream from her face at throwing it at Jay and then grabbing a paper towel to wipe the left over ice cream off.

After pulling the paper towel from her face, Carlos had seemed to have disappeared but she didn't turn around quick enough to catch him before he picked her up by her waist and used her as a shield to keep him safe from Jay's harsh ice cream throws, her screams and breathy bursts of laughter encouraging the boys.

"Carlos, if you don't put me down I'm never giving you ice cream again and same goes for you Jay if you throw one more thing." Clara warned, doing her best to stop laughing so they wouldn't think she was kidding. Her words causing Carlos to drop her immediately and Jay to pull his hand from the tub. "Good choice."

Looking around, the three teens were in awe of the mess they had created. Brown ice cream covered almost every surface, including themselves.

"This is going to take forever to clean up." Jay groaned, voicing Carlos' exact thoughts.

"More like 0.3 seconds." Clara winked, waving her finger about making the mess disappear before the boys' eyes. The blonde grinned proudly at their amazed expressions as the kitchen appeared cleaner than what it was before they entered. Their own clothes instantly cleaned as well until the smell of chocolate no longer hung in the air.

"Woah, you just got 10 times coo-"

"Clarissa, I got reports of children hearing screams from the kitchen, is everything okay?" Fairy Godmother asked, rushing into the kitchen and quickly examining each of the children before inspecting the room.

"Everything is fine, Fairy Godmother. I was just showing Carlos and Jay the kitchen, they were feeling a little peckish so I introduced them to ice cream. Oh and before you ask, yes, we cleaned up all our mess." Clara replied, smiling sweetly at Fairy Godmother.

"Good, good. Oh, but Clarissa, dear, shouldn't you be in class?"

"Yes, but I'm a fast learner and the new kids needed my help. Don't worry, I'll catch up in my own time as soon as possible, it'll be like I actually turned up for class." Clara told Fairy Godmother, giving her a curt nod.

"Okay, today only though. I expect you to be at all your classes on time tomorrow, understood?"

"Understood, thank you."

"I best be off now, I will catch you lot later. Do stay out of trouble, my dears." Fairy Godmother said, smiling softly at the three before leaving the room.

"We are so lucky I cleaned up when I did." Clara muttered, a smug grin present on her face. "Anyway, let's head up to your dorm, shall we?"

"I guess as long as you promise ice cream will be in our near future." Carlos joked, causing Clara to laugh at his dorkiness.

"Oh, I can definitely promise that." she winked, strutting out of the kitchen leaving the boys to follow and after the experience they just had, they did eagerly.

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now