11. Jay's a better kisser

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Clara had been sitting in the dark for so long that when the door opened and revealed a little light, she suddenly sat bolt upright. It took everything the young princess had not to scream and roughly push him away when Carlos entered and sat down next to her.

"Woah, what's going on? You okay?" Carlos questioned, trying to drape his arm around her, but awkwardly failing as she refused to lean into him. "Um, Clara?"

"Yes?" Was all she responded with, her face completely blank of emotion, looking straight ahead.

"Mind if I open your curtains? It's, uh, well it's pretty dark in here and to be honest you're kind of scaring me."

"I'd prefer it if you left, actually."

"If I left? What do you mean?" Carlos asked, getting up and pulling her curtains open; ignoring Clara's hiss as the sunlight warmed her back. "Why don't I go get you some ice-cream and then you can tell me what's wrong?"

"No thanks, I wouldn't know what you put in it."

"Seriously? Clara, what is up with you? I'm losing my patience, please just talk to me!" Carlos exclaimed, running a nervous hand through his white-black hair. She was hitting hard and Carlos couldn't help but feel like she knew more that he thought.

"I don't want to, although I'd love to talk to Jay. Have you seen him?" Clara innocently replied, standing up and smoothing down her dress, still not showing any emotion whatsoever and not sparing Carlos a single glance.

"Um, yeah, he was in our dorm just before. Do you want me to take you to see him?"

"Will you leave us alone?"

"Well, I don't really want to." Carlos awkwardly said back, rushing after his girlfriend as she left her room without a word. "Clara! Clara, wait up!"

"Woah, dude, I probably wouldn't do that if I were you." Ben said, blocking Clara from Carlos' sight as he gently pushed him back. "As a matter of fact if I were you, I wouldn't have the guts to go near her so soon. She will literally set you on fire, just ask Luke."

"Luke? Is he what this is about?"

"No, what does Luke have to do with anything?" Ben asked, giving Carlos a confused expression.

"Ugh, nothing, don't worry. Just let me go make sure she's alright."

"It's your funeral." Ben shrugged, "But for the record, if you ever hurt her like this again, I will personally send you back to the Isle of Lost before you even understand what's happening, got it?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Carlos said, barely paying attention as he pushed passed Ben and hurried to his dorm, assuming she went to go see Jay. As he entered though, he wished he stayed to talk to the prince for a little bit longer.

Clara had Jay backed up against the wall with his arms around her waist and her arms around his neck, their lips connected and seemingly moving in sync. It was like watching an accident, it hurt him so much to see, yet he couldn't tear his eyes away.

"W-what the hell?" Carlos managed to splutter out, looking between his best friend and his girlfriend who pulled apart at the sound of his voice. Jay looked almost cocky, but shocked whereas Clara looked like she was about to raise hell with a wild look in her eyes. She softly patted Jay's shoulder before stepping away from him and making it to the center of the room.

"Something wrong?" She asked, slightly pouting as she cocked her head to the side. "Oh, silly me, of course there is! That's right, because you drugged and manipulated me into thinking I had feelings for you. You lied and tore me apart. You, Carlos Deville, used me and I don't even know why! But I do know that I'm done with you, you and Mal can both go back home for all I care. I don't ever want to see your stupid faces again. God, I hope you're happy because I sure as hell aren't."

"Clara, I- I'm so sorry, I-"

"No, this pain you supposedly feel now, was nothing compared to how you made me feel. This is just the beginning, De Vil, you'll pay for ruining me. I don't know what role, if any, Jay and Evie played in this, but if you or Mal come anywhere near me again I will make you wish you were never born. Got it? Stay out of my way and for the record, Jay's a way better kisser." Clara practically spat back, giving Jay a flirty wink before storming out. Phase one complete, the blonde thought to herself, but instead of being glad that he now knew who was boss, Clara still just wanted to break down and cry and she was over it.

She still had to act happy, get dressed up and prepare for the parents visit. Although to be fair, she felt so much better knowing she wouldn't have to be anywhere near Carlos; in fact she hoped he didn't even bother leaving his dorm and Mal- oh that girl was in for a world of trouble. She couldn't wait to unleash hell upon the purple-haired girl with sparkly eyes and no one, no one was going to stop her.

a/n: oops

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now