12. luke pan

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Clara wore a lilac dress as she posed for a photo with Ben, her mother and her father, big smiles plastered across each of their faces until Ben mentioned his new girlfriend.

 "Oh, who is she?" Belle - their mother - asked.

"You don't want to know."  Clara grumbled, fighting back an eye-roll as her smile faltered for a second.

"Oh come on now, Clarissa, I'm starting to think you just don't like anyone your brother dates!" Beast chuckled, trying to lighten the mood as he noticed Clara darkening by the second.

"It's not my fault he dates selfish girls who don't care about anyone else but themselves. This one is literally evil though, Audrey I could tolerate-"

"Dear, when did you ever tolerate Audrey?" Belle interrupted, giving her daughter an amused look.

"I never forced her to leave Auradon Prep, therefore I count that as tolerating her."

"Clara, that doesn't really count as toleratin-"

"Ben, I think it's best you just leave it at that. You can't beat your sister, Lord knows that."

"Maybe someone should tell the descendants that." Clara responded, her smile completely gone now as she appeared to be glaring at the photographer.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, mum. Clara was just joking, weren't you?" Ben tried, giving his sister a forced smile, silently begging her to lie and just let it go for now. Unfortunately, Clara wasn't playing along and she just ignored him as she picked herself up and smiled brightly at the camera once again.

"So who is she, son?" Beast asked, matching Clara and Belle's grins.

"Mal." Ben told them, his smile growing as everyone else apart from Clara appeared incredibly shocked.


"Told you." Clara muttered. Her gaze setting on Mal who stood near a table watching them and once again Clara's smile hardened into a glare. In response to this, Mal who was well aware of the situation between Carlos, Clara and now Jay, sent her a little wave and kept her face friendly; although Clara's expression never changed.

"Mal! Over here, come meet my parents!" Ben called out, their parents quickly regaining their composure.

"And this is where I leave you." Clara announced, smiling at the photographer once more before leaving her family as Mal was approaching.

"Hey Clara, can I talk to you?" Mal whispered as she passed by, softly gripping the blonde's arm to stop her from continuing to storm away.

"Nope." Clara replied, forcefully ripping her arm from Mal's grasp and walking off; making sure to keep her back straight and a confident smile on her face. There would be war and Clara was going to be smiling the entire time, no one would ever know what was coming.

Spotting Luke and his parents, Clara decided to go over and talk to them.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Pan." Clara greeted, accepting their hugs as they hurriedly pulled the young girl into their arms.

"Clara! Dear, how are you?" Mrs Pan asked, moving back and practically throwing her into Mr Pan's arms.

"I'm very well, thank you. How are you guys? It's been way too long!"

"Oh, we're just fine thanks. It has been, I think we've almost missed you as much as we've missed Luke! But he has been making sure to keep us updated about you in his letters, sounds like you haven't been staying out of trouble?"

"To answer this simply, did you really expect me to? Oh and Luke, I didn't know you write about me." Clara laughed back, sending a wink and a curious look Luke's way to which he blushed at.

"Oh, look at that, I think your head just grew 3 sizes! Relax though, I only write about you because they ask so much." Luke teased, playfully slinging his arm around her. "You're just not interesting enough for me to write about without probing."

"Keep telling yourself that, Luke. We all know I'm the most interesting person you know."

"You are aware that my dad, who is standing just there, is Peter Pan, right? I think he wins the award for most interesting."

"Ah, actually that is better deserved. My apologies." Clara replied with a bright grin etched across her face.

She hadn't really been spending enough time with Luke and she'd really missed him, he was her partner in crime before Carlos and she couldn't believe how much she had neglected him recently. Judging by his arm being loosely wrapped around her, she knew all was forgiven; which was perfect because she needed his help in her revenge and she knew once he found out what had happened, he'd be so down with it.

"No worries, Clara. Where are your parents? We'd better go say hi."

"Just over there, looks like they've just finished up with the photographer." Clara told them, pointing over to where she had been posing a few minutes ago.

"Lovely. Well, it was wonderful to see you again, Clara! Luke, are you coming or are you going to stay and keep Clara company?" Mrs Pan said as both Mr Pan and herself pulled the young girl in for a hug once again.

"You too! Maybe I'll see you both later on, but if you don't mind, would I be able to steal Luke for a bit?" The princess asked as the two adults released her.

"Of course, we'll see you after then, Luke."

"I guess I'm keeping you company then." Luke grinned as his parents walked away.

"I guess you are and I have something really big to tell you." Clara whispered, pulling on his arm as she led him to a quiet spot where no one was. Once they were hidden by the bushes and no one was in ear shot, Clara decided to cut right to the chase. "The whole relationship between Carlos and I was fake."

"What?" Luke exclaimed, looking at his friend incredulously. "Why?"

"I don't know, ask Carlos. He was the one who drugged me." Clara shrugged, her tone sarcastic as Luke searched the crowd for Carlos, glaring as he found him.

"He drugged you? With what? A love potion?"

"Yep, a love potion. The same one that Mal used on Ben."

"I don't know how you're going to feel about this, Clara, but I've got to do something. There is no way I'm letting those losers get away with manipulating and drugging my girl."

"Your girl?"

"Yeah, you've always been my girl. You're my best friend, I'm your guy." Luke answered back, suddenly thinking it was strange that Clara was confused by it. "Anyway, something has to be done."

"I've already planned it out, but I'm gonna need your help." Clara told him, the mischievous smile she was famous for present on her face as Luke grinned back.

"I'm prepared to do anything."



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