04. breaking in

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The day had passed by rather quickly after the ice cream incident and soon enough Clara was getting ready to take Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay to the museum to see the magic wand. Not bothering to change her outfit from what she was wearing earlier, Clara pulled her boots back on and tied her hair up in a high ponytail and left for Mal and Evie's dorm, where they all planned to meet.
"You guys set?" Clara asked, walking into their room without bothering to knock.
"Yeah, but we googled it before and it should be closed by now." Evie replied, eyeing Clara suspiciously.
"Well yeah, but that's the fun of it! Breaking in!" Clara grinned, the four looking at her as though she had three heads.
"And you're a princess? Like a forth, soon to be second, in line for the throne princess?"
"Yeah, but who says that a princess has to play by the rules? Come on, don't tell me you guys are scared." Clara replied, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow at the four who were now exchanging unsure glances.
"Okay, but how do we know that this isn't some plot to get us in trouble?" Mal questioned, stepping closer to Clara and matching her amused and challenging expression.
"Because why would I do that? I don't particularly enjoy being the only trouble maker and I'd love to have a partner, or partners, in crime. Everything is more fun with a friend."
"Well then, you just gained four new friends, but keep in mind I'll be watching you and you don't want to mess with me." Mal answered, sticking an arm out for her to shake like they were making a deal.
"Great. Have fun watching me, I'll be sure to keep you entertained." Clara winked, ignoring Mal's outstretched hand and stepping around her so she stood before the other three with Mal behind her. "You guys coming? I have to be back before 11 so we seriously need to get a move on."
"Uh, yeah okay." Carlos replied, trying not to laugh at Mal's surprised reaction as he stood up, Evie and Jay following his lead. "After you." He said to Clara, opening the door for her to lead the way. With one last grin and nod in Carlos' direction, Clara walked out and they all followed without another word.
"Okay, since breaking in is the fun of it, how do you plan on getting past the security guard?" Mal questioned, raising her eyebrow at Clara who smiled back. The five of them staring at the security guard who was monitoring the computer.
"Stewart isn't going to be a problem." Clara said, mumbling something under her breath and as she clicked her fingers he fell into a deep sleep. Impressed stares being sent her way.
"What was that?" Evie whispered, looking at the blonde with wide-eyes.
"That, my friends, is magic." Clara replied proudly.
"That's way cooler than your mum's spinning wheel." Jay laughed, earning himself a cold glare from Mal. "Okay, touchy subject, moving on."
"Come on, we'd better go before he wakes up. The wand is on the top floor to the right, you guys will freak when you see it, it's incredible. Oh, but the place is rigged with alarms, so don't touch anything; especially the wand." Clara warned, jigging the door open and soundlessly walking into the museum. The remaining four exchanging nods and following her in.

As they walked through the museum, Clara pointed out magnificent magical items and showed them amazing statues, giving them a moment to stare at the statues of their parents with wide eyes.
"I'm never gonna forget Mother's Day again.." Carlos mumbled after a moment, the other three nodding in agreement.
"I'm sorry, I really don't mean to rush you guys, but we need to hurry up, Stewart will be waking up soon." Clara whispered, a genuinely apologetic look on her face. Turning to face her, Carlos' face softened.
"It's okay. Come on guys, let's go." Carlos said, smiling at Clara who turned away from the statues and walked down the left hallway. Clara was still a little ahead of the others, completely unaware of Carlos' amazed stares he aimed her way.

"Someone's got a crush and it's not, Evie, Jay or me." Mal teased, bumping Carlos' shoulder as he gave her a sheepish look.

"I have no idea what you're talking about.." he muttered back, praying he wasn't blushing as much as he thought he was.

"Sure you don't." Mal replied, rolling her green eyes at him before suddenly stopping. "Woah."

"And this, my friends, is the magnificent magic wand you have all been dying to see." Clara grinned, watching their awestruck expressions. "What do you think? Is it everything you imagined?"

"And more." Mal whispered, stepping closer to the wand so she was now leaning on the railing, so close to the wand that she could reach out and snatch it. The villain's all came closer to the wand, exchanging unsure glances to each other, unspoken questions floating in the air between them all.

What now? Do we just grab it? What about Clara? What should we tell her?

With a small 'what-the-hell-lets-just-do-this' shrug, Jay swiftly bends down under the railing and attempts to take the wand. Instantly, his hand shoots backwards and loud sirens blare throughout the museum.

"Jay, I specifically told you all not to touch it! What on earth were you thinking? Oh my god, okay, okay. Hurry, all of you go around the corner and hide behind the wall, once Stewart has bought my story, leave and don't dawdle. Don't you dare make a sound or so help me I will have you all murdered." Clara snapped, her green eyes wild and angry as she glared at Jay. Not daring to challenge Clara, all four of them obeyed as she took a deep breath then lent up against the railing. A few seconds later, Stewart appeared, the guard visibly relaxing as he saw who it was. Stewart pulled out a keypad from his belt and shut off the alarm, then turned his attention to the young girl.

"Princess Clarissa, my dear, what are you doing up here so late? You know I'm not supposed to let you in after hours anymore."

"I know, I'm sorry, Stewart. There is just so much going on and I needed to get out of my room and think, I ended up here before I even knew where I was going. I always just seem to think better up here and then I began to wonder what it would feel like to hold such an amazing object that's done so many wonderful things. My life feels like it's crumbling down around me, so to hold something so good and pure would just feel comforting, you know? Like maybe not everything is bad." Clara lied, even managing to force a tear to fall from her eye. "I'm so sorry, I'm being silly. I forgot about the alarm as well, I can't believe I would do something so stupid!"

"Hey, it's okay, life gets hard for everyone sometimes. You're a strong, beautiful girl and while you seem to be the opposite to your brother, I can tell you'll do great things with your life. If you want I can give you the wand to hold for a few seconds? It'll be our little secret, but after that you must go back to bed."

"I appreciate it, Stewart, but that's okay. I think talking about it kind of made me realise how silly all my problems are. Thank you so much and you're right, mark my words, I will do great things. Although I really should head back to bed, it's getting late. Thanks again, maybe I can drop by tomorrow to catch up?" Clara sniffed, frantically wiping her eyes and offering Stewart a small smile.

"Anytime, kiddo. Sure thing, but only after class. You may be my favourite princess, but I won't be breaking any rules for you." Stewart grinned, messing up her hair.

"Stewart, you were going to hand me the wand. All I'd have to do is ask and you'd do whatever I needed." Clara winked, causing Stewart to let out a hearty chuckle.

"Get out of here, you rascal! Oh and bring pumpkin pie when you visit tomorrow!"

"Haha, will do. Catch ya later!" Clara laughed, making her own way out of the museum, the second she was out of eyesight her warm, happy expression turned cold and annoyed. The chilly air hit her hard as she exited the building and the first thing she saw was a sheepish looking group of villains waiting for her.

"Clara, I am so sorry. I-I don't even k-" Jay tried, only to be cut off by Clara.

"I don't care and I don't want to hear it. Bring me pumpkin pie from the kitchen tomorrow morning and we'll be all good, but do something like that again and it'll take a lot more than pumpkin pie to get back on my good side. Got it?"

"Got it." Jay mumbled, letting his head fall as she stormed off, the four others hurrying to keep up with her.

"Oh and uh, thanks for lying for us back there. I guess I shouldn't have been so suspicious of you." Mal said to Clara, falling into line with her.

"Guess you shouldn't have, but maybe I should've been more suspicious of you lot. I went out on a limb for you guys and trusted you when everyone told me not to, were you honestly just using me?"

"No! No, Clara, we weren't using you. It's jus-"

"Whatever, Carlos. I'm not in the mood for lies right now, just go back to your dorms and don't expect any favours from me in the future." Clara hissed, her venomous glare landing on Carlos and stunning him into silence. She looked terrifying and Carlos didn't know anyone who managed to look so beautiful at the same time.

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now