02. intrigued

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Clara's POV

Clara was up bright and early the next morning, dressed and prepared for her performance and buzzing with excitement for the new transfers to arrive. Today was going to be big, she could feel it and she couldn't wait. Dressed in an outfit 'un-princess' enough to make Audrey choke, Clara stood in front of her mirror and examined herself.

She wore a pair of black high waisted shorts, a white tee with the front knotted so it became cropped, her lucky leather jacket and black doc martins. Her waist length blonde hair was out, looking like a styled-mess and her red lipstick was enough to add some colour to her look. She swiped a few coats of mascara on before grinning in the mirror and snatching her bag from a nearby chair and stalking out.

She was meeting her bandmates, Lonnie, Kaleb and Luke, just out the front of the hall a little before 8:25. The 4 planned to begin at 8:30 and head to class at 9 straight after they finished. Knowing they would all already be there, waiting for her to show up, Clara rushed over to where she presumed they'd be setting up and just as suspected, they were all standing around messing about with their instruments.

"Good morning, losers!" Clara called out, grinning at her friends as she approached.

"Morning!" They chorused back, mirroring her excited expression.

"Ready to do this? I'm thinking we should start off with 'One Time'?"

"Sounds good to me, you guys ready?" Lonnie replied, gripping onto her guitar.

"Sure are." Luke said, nodding to Kaleb who nodded back to him, spinning his drumsticks in his hand before sitting down behind the drums. Luke grabbed his guitar, strumming to 'One Time' as Lonnie joined in, Kaleb providing a beat and Clara pulling the mic towards her.

"You know you've got that thing.."


Carlos' POV

Mal, Jay, Evie and Carlos had arrived at Aradon Prep and were currently being introduced to some prissy prince and princess and the Fairy Godmother. Bored, Carlos zoned out sometime during Mal questioning the Fairy Godmother drifting back into reality as Prince Ben began to lead them away from the front of the school, the girl - Audrey - close behind him.

"Carlos, you coming?" Jay whispered, pulling on his arm and dragging him along. Rolling his eyes, Carlos pulled his arm away before hissing a quick "yes" in response. "Alright, calm down." Jay mumbled back, turning away from Carlos and following Ben and the girls.

"So this is where we play sport, the cheer leaders normally practice over there." Ben explained, pointing to a spare grassy area on the field. "Audrey is head cheerleader so if any of you are interested in joining the team, feel free to ask Audrey about it. I'm sure she'll find a spot for you."

"Actually, our team is pretty full at the moment. Sorry." Audrey rushed, not being able to disagree with Ben fast enough as she gave them a sickly sweet smile.

"No worries, I couldn't think of anything worse anyway. Evie?" Mal responded, returning the sickly sweet smile as Evie nodded behind her.


"Okay, well moving on. That building there is-"

"Can I hear music?" Mal questioned, interrupting Ben as Audrey groaned, clearly disliking not only Mal but whatever was responsible for the music.

"Yeah, you can actually. A few students have their own band, it's pretty cool, do you guys wanna go check it out?" Ben said, genuinely smiling at them.

"No, I'm sure they don't want to waste their time watching Clara and her band of imbeciles." Audrey scoffed, tossing a brown curl over her shoulder.

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now