07. cla

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Clara's POV

Clarissa was up in her dorm focusing on a new song for her band when a knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts. Instantly thinking it might be Carlos, she eagerly jumped up and pulled open the door and then proceeded to try to slam it closed when she saw who was on the other side.

"Clara, please wait! I just need someone to talk to." Audrey called out, sounding so helpless that Clara felt compelled to open the door.

"Why don't you go talk to your new boyfriend? I'm sure Chad is a great listener." Clara replied, giving the brunette a sickly sweet smile.

"Oh, please. We all know the only thing Chad cares about is himself and having the prettiest arm candy. I guess that's why he spent so long chasing you." Audrey said, pushing past Clara and making her way into the neat dorm, causing the blonde to roll her eyes.

"Did you just compliment me? Okay, Audrey, what's going on? This is too weird."

"You are quite pretty, I've never said otherwise. I just think you're a little rough around the edges and not ladylike enough to be a princess. You drag us all through the mud. Anyway, what I came here for, I need someone to talk to."

"And that's the Audrey I know and hate. Why don't you go talk to your little posse? They'd be happy to listen." Clara suggested, flopping down on her bed opposite Audrey. She wasn't going to waste her time listening to Audrey's problems, they hated each other, Clara couldn't think of anything worse.

"Because they don't actually care and to be perfectly honest and frank, I don't like them."

"Need I remind you that I don't care and you don't like me either?"

"You mightn't care, but you'll keep it to yourself and they would not." Audrey shrugged, as though it was obvious. "Plus, I think we have the potential to be great friends. Sure, I don't like you now, but I think you can fix that."

"I don't want to fix that though." Clara grumbled back, knowing Audrey would force her to listen to her problems regardless of what Clara said. "I don't want to be your friend, I don't like you."

"Now, now Clara, do show some respect like a proper princess. All I'm asking is that you just listen and give me a little advice, please." Audrey responded, causing Clara to roll her eyes and scoff at the 'proper princess' jab.

"Fine, but make it quick. I'm busy." Clara said, screwing her face up in annoyance as Audrey launched into her drama.

"I just don't understand why Ben would do that to me! Like we were great, everything was fine and then those delinquents show up and ruin everything! Especially my perfect relationship! I had Ben hanging from my finger, he would've done anything for me and then the next minute he's all over Mal. I mean, she's not even pretty!"

"First off, you guys were not great. Believe it or not you got on his nerves way more than you're aware, I know because I was the one who had to listen to him complain about you. Secondly, don't you dare refer to my friends as 'delinquents' again or I will smack you into next week. And lastly, Mal is gorgeous. Her hair is seriously incredible." Clara shot back, clear dislike and distaste for Audrey detectable in her tone. After a moment of silence and a sniffle from Audrey, Clara's conscience kicked in and she began to feel for the prissy princess. "Okay look Audrey, you're beautiful and you're strong. Ben wasn't right for you and that's okay, high school romances don't always last forever, but you're going to be okay. You already have another guy hanging off you and who knows, maybe this relationship will be the one. Maybe Chad will make you happier than you ever imagined. Just don't waste your time stressing and getting upset about someone who isn't even thinking about you."

"Hm, thanks Clara. That actually did make me feel better, I guess I should be focusing on what I have, not what I lost." Audrey said, giving Clarissa a sad smile. "You're not so bad, I think I'll consider you a friend."

"Oh no, that's okay, you don't have to go as far as to say we're friends. Why don't we just say we'll be civil?"

"You're funny, Cla. I'll see you around." Audrey replied, giving Clara a quick hug before leaving.

"Cla?" She mumbled to herself, instantly hating the nickname. "That sounds ridiculous."


"I feel it coming out my throat,

Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap,

God I wish I never spoke,

Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap." Clara softly sung, tapping on her desk to create a beat while smiling proudly to herself as she finally finished the song. It had been bothering her for so long and suddenly she had a spark lit inside her that inspired her to write. She got up to go show Lonnie, Kaleb and Luke, but when she got to the door she noticed someone was already standing there.

"You have an incredible voice, did you write that?" Carlos asked, casually leaning up against her doorframe.

"Thanks and yeah, it's taken me forever though. I don't know why, but I lost my muse for a bit there."

"What brought it back?" He questioned, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.

"Something special I guess and you can come in if you'd like." Clara grinned, sitting back down at her desk as he walked in. "And to what do I owe this visit?"

"I wanted to ask if maybe you want to go on a date? I just really like you and I want to see where this leads us." Carlos said, his cheeks lightly flushing pink as he nervously ran his hand through his white-black hair, messing it up.

"I'd love to." She smiled, watching Carlos' face light up.

"Great! Let's go!"

"What? Now?" Clara questioned, looking at the DeVille boy like he was crazy.

"Yeah, there's no time like the present."

"But it's almost dark!" Clara protested, pointing towards the window as if to make her point.

"So? Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark." Carlos teased, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"I'm definitely not afraid of the dark." Clara scoffed, tossing a strand of blonde hair behind her.

"Prove it, come out with me." Carlos challenged, stepping backwards towards the door. "I don't think you want to miss this."

"Okay, but I have to be back by 11." Clara hummed back, trying to hide her excited grin.

"I think we can definitely manage that." Carlos replied, gently grabbing Clara's hand and dragging her out of her dorm. "Ready to cause some trouble?"

"Always, but what are you planning to do with the spray paint?" Clara asked, holding back a laugh as she caught sight of the silver can out of his backpack.

"It's a surprise."  Was all he said back, the mischievous glint in his brown eyes matching the one in Clara's. The excitement and nervousness between them strong enough to make them feel like they could take on the world; and in that moment, they probably could.


a/n: the song Clara 'wrote' is Soap by Melanie Martinez, she is queen and I highly recommend you all go listen to it, I love love love it 😍☺️ 

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now