14. the coronation

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Clara was wearing a gorgeous, deep green floor length dress that fit her perfectly with an understated, tasteful tiara resting on the top of her glossy hair. The dress hung off the curves of her body as though it was made just for her and swished softly around the bottom as she ascended up the stairs and into the coronation hall. The photographers were following her up and every so often, she would answer their calls and gently tug on Luke's arm, the two stopping to smile and pose ridiculously for the cameras.

Luke's friendly grip on Clara tightened as they past Carlos, who was watching the blonde beauty with pleading eyes, desperately wishing it was him leading her in rather than Luke; but the poisonous look he earned from her let him know he lost it all. Slowly but surely, as he was watching Clara enter the hall without looking back, he realised he didn't want to be evil, he just wanted to be with Clara. He couldn't steal the wand if he wanted to, he couldn't bear to betray Clara anymore than he already had.


The coronation seemed to drag on once Clara and Luke were seated, Fairy Godmother babbling on about irrelevant information Clara found herself rolling her eyes at. Finally, it was getting good, Clara thought to herself, obediently standing up with the crowd as Fairy Godmother presented the wand to crown Ben. In a hasty action so quick Clara almost missed it, Jane dashed from her seat and seized the wand from Fairy Godmother; the entire hall erupting in shouts as the young girl carelessly waved it about.

Without thinking, Clara approached Jane at the same time Mal did. All three girls gripping onto the wand and trying to pull it into safe hands.

"Mal, let go. I've got this." Clara hissed, swiftly elbowing Mal in the stomach; using enough force to earn a shocked gasp from Mal. "Jane, you don't need magic to make yourself pretty. You're already beautiful inside and out. You are such a sweetheart and honestly, I love your eyes and I think your hair looks better without magic. A silly spell won't make you a better person and isn't that what's most important? I think Mal got carried away and convinced you that beauty is everything, but it really isn't. I haven't even mentioned how smart you are, like come on, that's incredible. You don't need to do this, just let go of the wand; I'll teach you how to make your own magic with makeup if you really want."

"I'd really appreciate that, thank you Clara." Jane mumbled, releasing the wand and letting her head hang as though she suddenly became aware of what she had done. "Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine, happens to the best of us." Clara replied, comforting Jane and leading her back to her seat as Fairy Godmother watched on, smiling sadly at her daughter. Mal took advantage of Clara's absentmindedness and gently pulled the wand from her hand.

"Mal!" Clara exclaimed, gritting her teeth as she spun to face the purple-haired girl. "What are you doing?"

Mal sent a quick look up to the other villain's kids, the three quickly rushing down to Mal's side. Carlos mumbling a quiet, "no" to Mal to which she ignored.

"We don't have a choice," Evie said, glancing sadly at Clara, Ben and Fairy Godmother. Everyone else in the hall watching on silently.

"You do have a choice."

"Our parents are making us." Jay told them, his voice heavy.

"They can't get to you here, you're safe. You have a choice, you can choose to be good." Ben encouraged, briefly sharing an unsure look with his sister. "Right, Clara?"

"It all makes sense now. It's no excuse and I despise the lot of you, but I understand why you did the things you did. Ben's right though, you're safe and your parents can't get you here. Choose to be good and I can't promise all will be forgiven, but it'll be a start." Clara said, her eyes not leaving Carlos.

"Clara, I know now isn't the time, but it was all real to me; I love you." Carlos spoke, his voice barely above a whisper and meant only for her. "I want to be good."

"So do I." Evie and Jay nodded, looking at Mal as her grip tightened on the wand.

"Me too." Mal smiled, stretching her arm out to hand Fairy Godmother the wand.

A loud cackle caused her to draw back instantly though as pure horror crossed everyone's faces at Maleficent's appearance. "Mum, what are you doing?"

"It's good to see you too, dear. Now hand me the wand, good girl." Maleficent ordered, reaching out for the wand, but instantly being blocked by Clara sliding her body between the mother and daughter.

"Not a chance, lady."

"And who might you be? Very pretty and brave, but also so foolish. Do you know who I am?"

"I'm Clara and yes, I know who you are, but I can't say I'm afraid. You've had your time and I don't think you're as brilliant as everyone likes to make out."

"Clara, shut up!" Carlos hissed, lacing his hand in hers as he tried to pull her away.

"Oh and what is this?" Maleficent asked, gesturing to their entwined hands as Clara ripped her hand free, refusing to move.

"Absolutely nothing." Clara answered, her tone harsher than intended.

"Enough. Get out of the way, child and I may spare you. Mal, hand me the wand!"

"No, mother."

"No? Excuse me?" Maleficent choked, her eyes narrowing at her daughter.

"I said no! We don't want to be like you."

"You want to be good? I've had enough of this. Mal, this is your last chance, give me the wand."


"Very well." Maleficent replied, pushing Clara away with ease. As Clara stumbled back, Carlos moved in front of her in a protective manner, his eyes nervously flicking between Mal and Maleficent. Maleficent to one large step back and with a cackle, she transformed into a large dragon and froze everyone apart from Mal, Carlos, Jay and Evie..

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