10. swims and heartbreaks

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"Mal! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Carlos exclaimed, stopping in front of his purple-haired friend. "I have a really important question."

"What's going on?" Mal asked, continuing to walk up to her dorm room with Carlos hurriedly following behind her.

"Can the love potion wear off and if it does before the coronation, how exactly do we explain ourselves?" He questioned, causing Mal to stop for a brief moment.

"I can't remember reading that it wears off, I'm sure it'll be fine though. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Mal, I don't want to lose her." Carlos whispered, looking up at Mal with pleading eyes; the desperation in his voice forcing her to look back at him.

"Technically you never had her, not the real Clara anyway." Mal replied, giving him a sad smile before heading up to her room. Carlos didn't follow her, he knew she wouldn't help him anyway, he needed to think up a way to make sure it wouldn't wear off, he couldn't let her go.

If only he knew that it was already too late.



"Hey, feel like going for a swim?" Ben asked, walking into Clara's tidy dorm as she closed her worn song journal and practically leaped up.

"Oh my gosh, yes. I've been writing so much that my hands are cramping up! Let me go get changed and we'll go. Just us to our spot?" Clara replied, grinning at her brother as she began to dig through her closet to find her bathers and a towel.

"You know it. I'll meet you out the front in 5?" Ben questioned, smiling back at his sister before leaving as she nodded back, closing the door on his way out.

Clara pulled on a blue bikini and slid a white sundress over the top of it, sliding on a pair on sandals and sitting her sunglasses on the top of her head; softly smiling in the mirror on her way out. She was unbelievably excited to go to their spot, Ben hadn't taken her there in years. In fact, it had been so long that Clara found herself questioning why he suddenly wanted to go swimming together at their secret lake.

The blonde screwed her face up in suspicion as she approached Ben who was waiting out the front of the school for her.

"So what made you decide to ask me to come for a swim?"

"Look, I'm not saying Carlos did, but earlier on I went for a swim with Mal-"

"In our special spot??!" Clara exclaimed, unable to comprehend that their secret spot wasn't so secret anymore. "Did you take Audrey there too?"

"I might have, but that's not the point. The point is that she used a love potion on me and it wore off in the water, I thought that if there was even a possibility that you were under the influence of a love potion you'd want to know."

"What?" Clara whispered, looking up at Ben with a heartbroken expression and pleading eyes. "No, please, no. Ben, please tell me he wouldn't use me like that."

"I don't think they were using us, I think they thought it was the only way to get us to like them like that. Clara, I've seen the way Carlos looks at you, he wouldn't have done it to hurt you." Ben told her, attempting to wrap a comforting arm around his sister as she stormed off. "Wait, where are you going?"

"To our spot and then if I found out that they put me under some spell, I'm going to make them all wish they never left home." Clara told him, her heartbroken expression replaced with a determined one as she glared at nothing.

"Maybe you should just calm-"

"Calm down? Were you seriously just about to tell me to calm down? Ben, why are you so okay with this? They practically drugged and manipulated you, that's not okay!"

"They grew up differently to us, they were taught differently, I'm not sure they meant to do a bad thing." Ben reasoned, trying to calm Clara down before she exploded. As they neared their spot, nerves erupted throughout the young prince, frightened of what his sister would do if she found out she really was just under a potion.

"But don't you see, that makes it worse? If they can't see that this is sick and wrong, then I pity them, but I also want nothing to do with them." The blonde shot back, her glare not lifting as she hurriedly tore off her dress and ripped off her shoes before running and jumping into the lake.

The second she hit the water she was filled with a sickening feeling; the feeling of realization that Carlos played her and she had never felt so hurt before. She trusted him and he used her, he tricked her and as she surfaced, all she wanted to do was cry and then burn the descendants to the ground.

They weren't getting away with this and Clara was going to make them all pay, especially Carlos. They were going to learn the hard way that nobody messes with her and comes out the other side of it clean.

"Let's go, Ben. I have some 'disappearances' to plan." Clara announced, putting on a strong front for her brother as she got out of the lake.

"Clara, they didn't-"

"Don't, Ben. Defend them and I swear I'm done with you. I can't even believe you don't care, I feel like my heart has been ripped out and I'm just now realizing that I never knew what real love was and you don't blame them. They're bad and bringing them here was the worst idea you've ever had, I regret the day I met their sorry faces."

"Clara," Ben gently spoke, deciding against sticking up for Mal and Carlos, instead knowing the best thing was to just be there for his sister. "I'm sorry, why don't we go get some ice cream? You can eat as much as you want and I'll never say a word about it."

"Thanks, but I'd rather be alone. Wouldn't want our king to-be as an accessory to murder, now would we?" Clara joked, looking up at him with watery eyes.

And in that moment, Ben understood and when he pulled her into his arms and felt her begin to cry; he held her closer and wished he could make the pain go away. She was a sweet kid and she didn't deserve this, but the fact that it hit her so hard made Ben question whether she really did have feelings for Carlos..


Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now