09. pranks and sandwich making

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Predictably, Clara was exhausted the next day. 

"Okay, I know you're tired but this is not okay!" Ben exclaimed, roughly pushing Clara as she lay facedown on her bed.

"I'll go to my next class, relax I'm a quick learner." Clara mumbled back, attempting to swat her brother with a pillow, still not looking up at him.

"That's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about the fact that my hair is now orange and I'm pretty sure you're the one who did it. Fix it, now." Ben ordered, giggles escaping her mouth as she remembered. Somehow she had managed to convince Carlos to help her rig Ben's shower before taking her back to her own dorm. They poured dye into his shower head and then Clara proceeded to charm it to only come out once he said the magic words, "Clara is queen of everything". 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Clara grinned, turning to see her handiwork and bursting into fits of laughter. "You look completely and utterly ridiculous!"

"This isn't funny, Clara, just fix it."

"It's hilarious, but what makes you think it was me?" 

"The 'love, Clarissa' sticky note on my shower." Ben growled back, quickly growing tired of his sister's games. 

"Ah, yes. I do suppose that would be me." 

"Fix it now."

"I can't." Clara simply shrugged, sitting up in her bed, shooting Ben an innocent smile.

"And why not?" Ben sighed, rubbing his temples. He was supposed to be in history and instead he was stuck dealing with his difficult sister.

"Because I charmed it so you're the only one you can get it out."

"I've showered six times already! I can't get it out!" 

"Well that's because the dye is in your shower head, to be honest you probably just made it worse." 

"This isn't the time for games, Clara! How do I get it out? Why did you target me anyway? Normally you stick to strictly pranking Audrey." 

"Because while I do like Mal and I detest Audrey, I don't think what you did was right. You humiliated Audrey and I thought you should know how that feels to stop it from happening again in the future." Clara explained, frowning slightly.

"I didn't mean to hurt her." Ben sighed, shaking his head. "I didn't mean for anything to happen like it has, I just was so overwhelmed with my feelings for Mal, I forgot about Audrey. Mal is the only girl ever on my mind, I don't think about anyone else. I just wanted to impress her, I didn't think that it'd affect anybody else."

"Clara is the queen of everything." Clara said, smiling softly at her brother. She understood the feeling, she knew exactly what he meant because it was exactly how she felt about Carlos. 


"Clara is the queen of everything, that's the spell breaker. Say that, take a shower and you'll be all good, but um, maybe you should use my shower to avoid redying it." Clara replied, standing up and walking over to her closet. "Now if you'll excuse me I should be getting ready for Home Eco, class starts in 15 minutes." 

"Of course it is. Yeah, that's probably a good idea, do you mind if I quickly shower now? I don't want to go anywhere looking like this." 

"Yeah sure, I'll probably be gone by the time you get out though." 

"Good! It's about time you start turning up to classes, I honestly don't know how you're passing." 

"Believe it or not, I'm a straight A student." Clara defended, tossing her curls over her shoulder as Ben chuckled in response.

Mischief ▷ Carlos De Vil [1] #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now