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-Lucky and his sisters above-

Luckys phone started to ring
"Sorry" he mouthed as he answered it.

I heard a girls voice on the other line. "Really right now?" He sighed.
"It's gonna take a while I'm tutoring with a student. Is it okay if I bring her and tutor there?" He lied...he's not tutoring me. Who is he talking to?
"Okay yeah, I'll be there in a few" he hung up.

"My mom wants me to be at her house with my sisters. Uh, I don't know what's going on but she's really been acting strange. So, what we are gonna do. We are gonna drop by my house pick up some books to act like I'm tutoring you and swing by my moms is that fine?" He asked. "Oh, wow, I uh. Um."

I don't know what to do or say!

"Yeah sure!" I smiled. He smiled. "I'll meet you at your house. Where's that?" I asked.
He sent it to me in text message. I smiled as we both got up to leave.

We walked out hand in hand. It felt good to be free with him, but still a part of me is saying that this is wrong. I can't stay away from him. I can't stop thinking about him, fantasizing about him etc.

I'm positive he feels the same way.

Before we parted to go to our separate cars. He leaned down to kiss me. I smiled and looked in his beautiful blue eyes. "See you" he smiled back hopping in his car.


We pulled up at his mothers house, which was amazingly huge! A nice swimming pool in the back!
"Is this where you grew up" I asked. "Surprisingly yeah" he nodded.
He walked up to the door holding my hand. He opened the door. I forgot we were holding hands and yanked mine from his. He looked back and I nervously laughed. I don't know why I was so nervous I'm just getting tutored by him. Nothing else. Even though there's more to This than tutoring. 

"Lucckyyyyyyyy" a girl, I've never seen before came Around the corner hugging him tight. She looked just like lucky so I'm assuming that's one of his sisters. She had long hair, same color as luckys  "Pyper!" He smiled. "Who's this? I don't care I'll give you a hug anyway" she embraced me. "This is my student Ariana I'm tutoring her since Yall cut into our tutor time by calling me over here" he said.
"Starlie! Wh-" pyper yelled. "Whaaat mom needed him over here" she yelled from the other room "but still" pyper rolled her eyes.
"Long time no see" mrs. Smith came around the corner with a bright smile on her face.
Her smile suddenly faded when her eyes landed on me. Holding tutoring books. She looked at lucky and then me again. "Lucky can I talk to you" lucky smiled and got up to follow mrs. Smith.

Lucky pov

Daisy pulled me into the other room.
"What are you doing" she asked. "What are you talking about" I chuckled a little. I have no idea what she's thinking or talking about.

"You and Ariana have been hanging out a lot. Whether it's a couple of minutes In the morning a few minutes after school or staying after for you to tutor her" she rolled her eyes. "Daisy she needs help" I shook my head. "What are you getting at?"

I know exactly what she's getting at but I want her to say it herself.

"I see the way you look at her. I've heard how you talk to her. Lucky, I'm your sister. I know you, and what I'm saying is that you are a teacher and she is a student." She explained. "Daisy, you're being ridiculous"

"I know my brother." She gave me a look and walked away. The noise of her heels faded as she distanced herself from Me.

I shook my head and walked into the living room where they were at.
My eyes wondered over to Ariana.
Seeing her bright smile and brown eyes gave me butterflies.

"You okay" pyper asked me. "Yes pyper" he smiled.

"Do I hear lucky blue?" I heard my mom say. I looked around but she was nowhere to be found. Seconds later she made her way around the corner. "Hey mom" I kissed her cheek and hugged her. "Who's this pretty young lady" she smiled.

I tried not to smile. Just so they wouldn't suspect something.
"This is my student Ariana I'm tutoring her right now" I told her. "Right now? It's almost 9" mom frowned.

"Yeah I gotta take her home in a minute."

"Ohhhh no it's fine you just got here." My mom tugged my arm. "But mom I'm responsible for her right now and I don't want her parents t-"

"Oh alright" my mom frowned. "Just be back here. I wanna see all my Children together in one room for once" she started to tear up. "Why did you even get starlie to call me" I asked. She knew what happened between us. She knows that I can't stand to even look at her.
"I just want you guys to make up! I'm tired of you guys not coming to my dinners! The last dinner I had once starlie knew you were coming she called in 'sick' I'm just so tired lucky" my mom teared up. I sighed.

"I have to take her home" I turned around and walked into the living room. Starlie was nowhere to be found. It was just pyper and daisy.

"Ariana I have to take you home now" I announced. Ariana got up and followed behind me out the door.
We hopped In my car and I drove off.

"They're fun to be around." She smiled.
"Yeah I love daisy and pyper" I smiled. Ariana's face tuned up. "What about starlie" I saw at the corner of my eye she turned to look at me.
I sighed. "And starlie too"

"You can't do that" she smiled a little.
"What do you me-"
"You can't just add her in like that didn't mean anything it obviously did. Why don't you like her? Why didn't Yall speak to each other....better yet it every time you would enter the room she would exit? What's with that?" She continued talking. I almost wanted to laugh at how nosy she is.

"You're very observant" I continued to drive. " look, I'll tell you next time I see you." I pulled in front of her house.
"Mmhm whatever and I'm not going to forget either. You better tell me tomorrow" she smiled.

I closed my eyes and leaned in to give her a kiss but I didn't go for it. I waited for her to kiss me. she didn't.
My eyes shot open to only see her giving me a look saying that I'm not getting anything until I tell her.

"Come one babe it's late you gotta be home give me a kiss" I whined. "My parents aren't home" she pointed to the empty drive way. "They're still at work"

"Arianna" I groaned. " remember I can change your grades. F after F after F" I smiled. "Fine" she rolled her eyes. Planting her lips on mine.

My butterflies are endless when I'm around her. As soon as her lips touched mine it felt like more butterflies decided to invade the pit of my stomach.

She pulled her lips from mine.
"Goodnight" she smiled.
I smiled back at her as she opened the door.

I responded late.

"Goodnight" I watched her walk up her drive way and into her house. I continued to smile at the thought of her as I drove off to my home.

When I reached my house I opened my door and locked it behind me. Kicking my shoes off and sitting them up against the wall so I could put them in my room later.
After I sat down on my couch and got comfortable I got a call from pyper.

"Lucky were are you" he asked
Holy shit! I forgot!

"Pyper I'm really sorry I'm just exhausted right now. I just got him from dropping her off at her house and I just really need some rest I'll come over tomorrow afternoon. I promise. " I explained. I wasn't lying I was exhausted.

"Mom is gonna be so upset" she said. "I know, I know" I yawned. "Tell her I'm sorry and I love her and I promise I'll be there tomorrow afternoon. No doubt about it! Okay?"

"Alright, love you bro"

"Love you too sis" I yawned again and hung up. Damn, I totally forgot about coming back to the house.

I stretched out on my couch and fell asleep.

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