For better

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Once Ariana got home, she ran up to her bedroom and plopped down on her bed. When she laid back to relax, her Hand hit something hard. Ariana sat back up and her eyes met a wide small box. Her eyes widened.

She picked up the purple box tied in a glittery ribbon, and opened it. Her brown eyes fell upon a note and a diamond necklace.

"Sorry I couldn't be there for your 18th birthday, kiddo. I promise next time I'll make it up to you!
Happy birthday Ariana.
I miss you, I Love you, your brother,


A tear slowly rolled down arianas face as she held up the necklace to her neck.

"Thank you" she whispered to herself.

Soon she heard a light knock on her bedroom door. She looked up, only to see Dylan. "Hey" she smirked. "Hey"
He came in and say on her bed. "Happy birthday boo" he smiled. Hugging her and pulling out a small box."Dylan you didn't have to get me anything" Ariana smiled. "Girl I ain't get you nothing I'm taking out the rings I bought myself" he laughed. "Boy!" I playfully pushed him and he laughed. "I'm kidding." He opened the box. "Happy birthday"

It was a charm bracelet

It was beautiful. It was silver and it already had two charms on it.

One was a green clover, that represented luck and one was a blue heart.

She looked up at Dylan. Her heart skipped a beat. "Dylan" Arianna put the charm bracelet back in the box and closed it.

"I just wanted to give you something nice. Because you ARE my boo thang" he joked. "Dylan" She said again.

Maybe she shouldn't ask him. Maybe it was unintentional.

"Yeah" he answered. "You don't like it...that's all. You want something more expensive." He suggested. "NO! No I love it. I really do! It's...I just want to know what the charms mean." Ariana took the bracelet out again.

"Well, I chose the four leaf clover because I'm lucky to have you and blue is MY favorite color and I know how much you love me so, I added that"

Ariana nervously laughed.
"Well thank you so much Dylan for this amazing gift." She stood on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek. " no problem" he smiled. "I'll see ya later" he exited the house.

As soon as Dylan exited the house.
Ariana took out her phone and took a picture of the charm bracelet, sending it straight to lucky.

"Lucky, I think Dylan knows" she typed and then pressed send. Lucky replied immediately. "Holy shit! How?"

"I don't know!"

"What does this mean" lucky texted back. "I don't know. Maybe we should be more careful about this"

"How, we've been more careful"

Ariana sat and thought for a while. But then lucky texted her again.
"We've  gone out In other cities, we've never shown any type of affection in this city or in school or at your job. How, can we be more careful than that.

"I don't know, lucky...Maybe we should just, take a break" a tear hit Ariana's phone screen. "Take a break? We just started dating!" Lucky texted back quickly. " I know! But this is for the better. Just for now. Maybe a week or two apart would make him think differently. Isn't this logical?" Ariana texted back. " you know I don't want to break up and you know this is hard for me, lucky, but if you want to continue to be with me we are going to have to be apart."

Ariana sat there waiting for him to text back. 5 and now 10 minutes passed.  She though about driving over there. But quickly smashed that idea.

"K" he sent.

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