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I woke up bright, early and happy!

For one I'm getting married, two I'm graduating today and three....I got my acceptance letter to UCLA!!!

Lucky unfortunately was already gone when I woke up!he had to be there early and talk to Preston about something.

So I decided to call him to see if he's free! "Hello" he answered. "What did Preston say" I asked. He sighed.

Uh oh. "He said that if he had a replacement he would replace me as an English teacher and he would replace me from handing you your diploma. He doesn't have a replacement though..and I'm the best English teacher'll be hard to find another one like me." He said. "Oh, I'm glad you didn't loose your job or anything in that matter." I smiled " I guess you can say I'm lucky" he laughed " and I guess I can say that your corny" I laughed but he didn't. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for graduation ?" He asked. "I'm working on it! I love you" I smiled. "I love you too! See you later"

He hung up and I stared to get ready! I took a long shower slipped on my black dress did my makeup slipped curled my hair and slipped on my cap and gown. I slid on my favorite safe walking heels that are extremely comfortable and are a granola Bar. I was way too nervous to eat something big. Max haven't called me about coming to my graduation. I hope he comes. I need some type of support OTHER than my boyfriend.

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Going  to my graduation. The day I'm free from work, immature students, and nasty school lunch.

I arrived at my the back of course. I opened the door and saw a bunch of our students in our graduation attire. Then out of nowhere  Claire walked up to me. "Don't ruin this day Claire" I rolled my eyes. "Look, I know you won't accept my apology, but I want to say it anyway. I know we've been best friends for years and I love you I really do I just let my feelings get the best of me and I should've just been honest with you and talked to you about it. Unfortunately my actions came with consequences and although I'm in my graduation attire I will not be graduating." She started to tear up. And was I feeling bad for her? Of course not! She doesn't know how much damage she did. Even though I do t feel bad for her, I do believe she should be graduating but it's too later to change that now. "And it's 100% my fault. So, Ariana I'm sorry for all the trouble I cost you...I love you and have a great graduation." She walked away with tears in her eyes. I just could get myself to feel sorry for her.

"What was that about" lucky said from behind me. I turned around and hugged him. "She apologized. I didn't get a chance to say anything back she just walked away." I told him. "Do you forgive her or accept her apology?" He asked. "Yes but our friendship is over its gone" I said.

Then principal Preston entered the room. "Alright! Just like we practiced at 9:30 you will come and sit and graduation will start" he explained.

9:30 rolled around. The place was packed! Families and friends were smiling and cheering! Only if....

I shouldn't be thinking about that now. They would've loved to see me graduate...

Graduation finally started. Teachers and principals spoke our valedictorian said his speech and then we got called up. One by one. To step down...walk across the stage get out diploma take a picture and walk back to our seat.

Now it was my turn! My turn to walk across the stage. Accept my diploma from my boyfriend and sit down a graduated student from LAHS.

They called my name! I excitedly got up walked down the stairs and across the my boyfriend the most flirtatious look. I grabbed my diploma and since lucky didn't make the move like he was supposed to I started to walk off then suddenly I got yanked back and pulled into him he kissed me dead on the lips. The crowd gasped and slowly stated to clap as we continued to kiss. He pulled from the kiss and mouthed I love you and I mouthed it back as I went back to my seat.

Graduation was finally over! I met up with lucky. We took pictures and the someone from behind me put their hands in front of my eyes "guess who" I head a familiar voice say.

I cheesed so hard. "MAX" I smiled turning around and hugging him as tight as ever. "Congratulations sweat pea" he wiped the tears off my face. The grand Ma and pa showed up. "Ariana" we're so proud of you honey!
"I love you guys" I smiled.

Lucky pov

"Daisy, Pyper you guys never accept my decisions" I said. "Because you make bad ones ? Lucky you're marrying an 18 year old" Pyper said
"I know and it's because I love her" I said. "We barely know her!" Daisy shook her head. "Can you guys be happy for me FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE". I yelled

"I'm telling you lucky! She's no good you're not going to make it anywhere with her." Daisy said. "Just let him be! He'll see sooner or later that she's way immature for him. She may want to explore more she's only 18 she just graduated.....from high school not college" starlie came out from the crowed. "We love each other. And if she wanted to explore more...she would've said no. We want to be together! So let us be" I stormed away.

Ariana pov.

"Congratulations" Claire walked up to me. "Look Claire, you deserved to graduate. I know for a fact that you worked so hard this year.i accept your apology and I forgive you but that doesn't make us ruined that for me. I wish you the best I truly do but I would just like you to stay away from me and tell Dylan that too" I walked away...

Next thing you know max frantically ran up to me. "Ariana you won't believe this!" He had tears in his eyes.

"Follow me" he demanded. I followed him to an all black window tented car.

"What is this?" I asked.

The two back doors swung open a black shiny shoe hit the floor assuming the guy was wearing a nice shoot..and on the other side I saw the top of the lady's head nice black colored hair. They finally stepped out and showed their faces

My mouth dropped open and I immediately started to bawl and cry.

"OH MY GOD" I yelled

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