Senior Field Day Back to school (Day 2)

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Every year the school has a senior field day on the second to the last day of school...Claire an I made a decision that we would hang out with each other but...we're not on good terms

So I guess I'll just find lucky and hang out with him!

I woke up next to Luckys beautiful face! We finally moved in together! I'm surprised my brother finally agreed to it! He said "as long as you don't have sex with him I'm fine!"

He's back at his place... I miss him. I probably won't ever see him again.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Hey" I smiled. "I love waking up to you in the morning"

"I do too, and I love falling asleep right by your side....look, you don't even have to see Claire today. You can just stay with me."

"That's what I was planning to do" I stretched and got out of bed. Fixing my clothes up on me because I'm a wild sleeper. "Okay" he got out of bed. I went into the bathroom to run our shower water and yes we shower together.

I got undressed and stepped in and a minute later he stepped in. "AHHH" he sighed. "I just hope she doesn't try to talk to me. I'm not going to talk to her back! I can't believe she tried to expose us like that. My best friend...used to be best friend" I shook my head.

"I doubt she's even going to look at you. She hasn't acknowledged your existence in class ever since the blow out you guys had." He said.

"Just pray I won't slap the bitch, lucky" I began to wash and so did he. "You're not. Trust me"

We finally washed up and got dressed I ate breakfast and he left the house to get breakfast so we wouldn't arrive at school on time. I figured that would be suspicious.

I finally arrived at school...everybody was staring at me...I don't know why and I don't the moment.
Since only seniors have field day and the others have to actually go
To class...the seniors sit in the cafeteria until the morning announcements moment of silence and pledge is over. Then we get on a bus and they take us somewhere in the city! They don't tell us where but I hope
It's fun!!

"All seniors and teachers who only teach seniors report to
The cafeteria. The busses will leave at 10 sharp. Enjoy your day!" I smiled in excitement. I hope we're going somewhere fun!

And I have to find lucky.
"Ariana, hey!" Lucky smiled. "Hi mr.smith." I smiled. "How are you"

"I'm fine and you?" He asked. "Same"

"Have you seen Claire" I asked. "Ariana don't worry about her." Lucky said. "But I need to know" I rolled my eyes. "Okay yeah she's here, but you have to understand that she's here not because of you but because this is her last year and it's almost over and instead of drama she just wants to have fun." He explained. "Instead of the drama that she caused...okay." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "If she come up to me there's going to be drama. Just know that."

The principal walked in the cafeteria with a microphone. "If I could get everybody to settle down. That would be great" he said. Nobody even lowered their voiced. "I SAID" he yelled and the microphone screeched and everybody settled down. "Thank you. All our senior teachers are excited to take you guys out before the last day of school! We do this every year and unfortunately the school didn't have enough money this year, but with help from teachers and parents we raised enough money to support this day. Unfortunately, again, since we don't have enough Money this will be our last senior end of the year field day trip" he looked a bit sad.

"Now before we leave we need to go over some rules. Because of where we are going...there will be different rules.
Starting with rule number one...When we get to our destinations don't get off the bus and explore! Just wait till we explain what were doing and wait till we get in then you guys can explore and we will give you guys a set place and time to meet up with us to go to the NEXT destination! Make sure you guys stay in groups! No one is going to be by their selves! Please let us know if someone is hurt there should be one person with one of our phone numbers or a teacher should be with almost every group! You guys won't have to pay for anything. Uhhhh and you guys are responsible enough I'm assuming so act like it. so We will end this day with a dinner and your parents will pick you guys up orrr if you're driving you can just drive on home. NOW, before we go we need to take a role count."

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